Once again.....
This is relevant to technology in what way?
I can read hundreds of other web sites if this tat interested me in any way.
Bulgarian airbag platform Jordan, aka Katie Price, and "pop star" Peter Andre have named their recently-arrived sprog "Princess Tiaamii", the BBC reports. Jordan told OK! magazine the first name reflected the fact the girl was "our princess", while Andre concocted the second by combining his dear old ma's name with that of …
Could have been worse.
There is a story in Freakonomics about a boy being named, well, they pronounce it "shuh teed". The second part of the name is head. The first bit is anglo saxon for faeces
It should also be pointed out (before someone else does) that the shuhteed story is believed by some to be an urban myth.
Calling the first one Junior and the second Princess: you can't fault their imagination, can you?
"We've put an accent over the first A to make it more exotic and two Is at the end just to make it look a bit different."
Like it wasn't already different and exotic enough? Now, I've nothing against using composites of "normal names" to come up with something a bit more originial; why limit yourself to historically used names, after all? But putting random accents and double-is without regard for the way it reads is just cruel. Nearly as cruel as calling her "Princess". Totally unsuitable for public usage. How about calling a child "Primeminister".
Why celebs always insist on calling their kids unique names, when I say unique I mean ridiculous. I think its something to do with their desire to sound classy, but when you're in a supermarket and some gruff chavvy bird screams chardonay down the isle and 15 little girls turn around you've gotta start wondering.
Frank Zappa's eldest son Dweezil is actually called Ian Donald Calvin Euclid Zappa, because the Presbyterian Hospital where he was born refused to register a child called Dweezil.
When Dweezil found out he was actually called Ian he was a tad upset and changed his name formally to Dweezil.
So not everyone wants a straight name, although how his siblings Moon Unit, Ahmet & Diva feel about their names is not known
"the shuhteed story is believed by some to be an urban myth"
Crumbs, Wikipedia has started writing comments for The Register ;)
I heard it as "sh'thead", pronounced "shiv-eed", although the teacher reading out the class roster was unable to grasp this; it was a quasi-racist jab at the trend amongst a certain segment of American society to adopt made-up "rootsy" names that look and sound like Klingon.
......... I consider myself to be fairly level headed, and not a bit bothered about celebrity lifestyle. Probably like most people who read and comment on this site.
But I can't help myself from standing and staring opened mouthed at this and other weird showbiz behavior.
It's like watching a car crash
Anybody fancy doing the phonetic spelling for PT's name? I am struggling to work out how it should be pronouced, forigen lang is not my strong point (as english isn't at times) I can ask for most items in french, and ask directions to the beach, night club, the train station, and helpful things like " I live in a House" "i do not understand, can you speak english?" i.e basic 13 year old french!! German well that is about one lessons worth.
Hangs head in shame
'Bulgarian Airbags' is a term that El Reg decided to start when they published an article (That I can't be bothered to find) about a woman whose inflated breast implants actually saved her from injury during a car crash. I think that she was either in Bulgaria or was Bulgarian. I believe it now applies to any ludicrous-sized breast mods, not just the air-filled sort.
And yeah, this sort of article and that sort of phrase is what keeps me coming back to the Reg.
In a surprise move, celebrities stop calling their dogs `tinkerbell' and unanimously switch to `tiaamii' with various accents and diacritics.
I'm personally waiting for a wave of southamerican style catholic names (Concepcion, Immaculata and similar) for celebrity sprogs: Incestina, Anticonception, Fellatia, ...
Hang on, hasnt everyone missed something? Did anyone read the article linked at he bottom with regards to a kid being called '4real'.
The article states:
The law forbids "names that resemble an official title or rank, names that are unreasonably long, and names that may cause offence to a reasonable person". It also advises that parents "avoid names which would cause their child to be teased or made fun of".
Is 'Princess' not a rank? It seems that deed poll deem it to be. Let me know if im wrong.
Exactly right Mr Karl Latimer! I once had the pleasure of standing the local Chinese take-away and was given a little insight in how these names quickly get picked up by the lumpen. Mother ( I assumed?! ) turned to 5 year old and uttered, "Oi Chanel, f**kin' knock it off now or else yer fuckin' little cow!!".
These little celebrity rug-rats are taken away from the nanny as soon as and packed off to £40k/yr boarding school so Mum and/or Dad can get back to doing whatever it is they supposedly do best which makes them so famous!
I'm looking forward to the next album by the Queen of the Council Estates and her Dippy Ozzie other half, only this time it will feature Princess Tia-Maria or whatever it's called and Junior! Can't wait!
Used to be a kid in my town called Astral, and every time the kid's chavvy mum screamed at it, it sounded like Ashtray! Awesome!
"AAAAAShtray Will you come here now!"
Also don't you just cringe when you hear parents swearing at their kids a la "Chanel" posted by George Johnson? Maybe I mark myself as a real Conservative (Capital C) here, but I think that and spitting in the street give us a real idea of what the kid will end up like! I remember my mum giving a teenager in a lift a clip round the earhole for daring to swear in from of me and my little sister, then shopped em to the security guard of the shopping centre we were in! Classic!
Re: Ransden Gnomefumbler - I think that is the best one I have read in ages
Re: Lester Haines - I love reading your articels almost as much as I love reading the comments to your articels. Somehow, no matter what you do you mange to get a wide variety of people who either love or hate your articles, all wiling to comment. When it is IT related, you get slated, when there is no IT angle, you get slated. At least you are famous :)
Oh my god i cant believe you are all saying that. it is absolutely none of your business what they call any of their children, i think its beautiful and unique and i wouldnt listen to anyone telling me what i can and cant call my children. i suggest you stop criticising the names and comment on how well she raises her children and im sure she will be a brilliant mother to her little girl,
Okay, PRINCESS! Nice nickname but not her god damn REAL name! Tiaamii; pretty and a nice idea to mix the two names.
Annie, I totally agree, I think she is a brilliant mother to her children but I'm in agreement with everyone else too, princess??
Steve, I AM a teenager [13 actually] and would like you to please retract your statement on teenagers being illiterate.
There we are, that is me setting the world to rights as I do fairly often, usually to annoy other people.
PLEASE feel free to set me to rights on xmagicstarsx@googlemail.com as I have never been on this site before and am probably not going to be on it again.
Thank you all!
Anybody fancy doing the phonetic spelling for PT's name? I am struggling to work out how it should be pronouced, forigen lang is not my strong point (as english isn't at times) I can ask for most items in french, and ask directions to the beach, night club, the train station, and helpful things like " I live in a House" "i do not understand, can you speak english?" i.e basic 13 year old french!! German well that is about one lessons worth.
I am a 13 year old and had a conversation with two french people the other day in school and we discussed Jordan and Princess Tiaamii actually and i wasn't the only one, a group of 11 did it too!