Facebook might be ubiquitous, but it sure is dull....
Given that I am, one, in the internet business and, two, someone who like networking, I thought I would set up a Facebook page.
Having given MySpace a wide berth because of its horrendous design, I tried Virb first and have left a profile there in the hope that it gets busy soon as it is a great design, easy to re-skin and works great.
Facebook was next and I was really encouraged by what I saw; nice clean design. loads of apps so that I could plug my Flickr pics in, my Last.fm account and stacks more.
I joined a few groups [just half a dozen related to photography, the other part of my work] and that's where the wheels fell off Facebook for me.
One week later, even in one group with over 4000 members, there is not a single response to my helpful and engaging postings, not a single comment on any of the really cool pics that I uploaded [i always leave comments on other people's] and the 'wall', where people post notes, is populated entirely by people saying 'Hi, just joined....'.
In seven days on Flickr I could expect a raft of responses to material posted and would engage typically in any number of good conversations with people.
My conclusion: having a Facebook profile seems to be the latest fad. But, as for actually using it, well that seems to be another thing entirely.