Computor to comant the Robots
This is just the latest step to kill the Fleshies. First the robots infiltrated the battle field, now the comand rooms. Whats next? Total domination!
The scientists and engineers of DARPA (The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency), the Pentagon's gateway to the technological left field, have struck again. The bulgy-bonced battle boffins have decided to sink some cash into an effort to develop a super-intelligent battle computer system which will enable US soldiers to be …
"Come to think of it, Deep Green might actually be rather popular in the army." .... Of course it will be, as its first target acquisition will the the Executive Branch of the Administration which sends its humans off to suffer War.
And the most dangerous/effective weapon in any arsenal ....... the man thinking like an omniscient machine .....for then there will be an army for peace which will target warmongers and idiots alike who would think that to fight for peace is not war and therefore justified and justifiable.
Strange that some do not think it a Present Condition Code Red rather than something to be XPected in the Future .."Whats next? Total domination!"
IT just goes to show you how Stealthy IT is Virtualised for ARGonaut Play. ....... for it is the DOD jumping onto the ARG bandwagon, is it not?
Play that Game well and you will know what Control is rather than always gathering Intelligence to find out why you haven't got it and suffer from attacks you call defence.
But you do need an ESPecial Level of IntelAIgents/CyberIntelAIgents to Play ITs Games for Real, Live and it is not servered by the Military Mind ......which is the Enigmatic Dilemma they face and which prevents them from ever Mastering AI Virtualisation, which is where Global Control is at.
IT certainly flies way over the MOD and their Intelligence apparatus, of that I can assure you.
"Everyone knows that they'll call it the WOPR, not deep green..."
And as usual will refuse to document the tech, instead relying on a single scientist who inevitably decides its all bollocks anyway and decamps to papal new guinea to research the mating habits of crayfish instead.
...You forgot the pisspoor security: "What'll I make the password the the death computer, which has the ability to kick off Global Thermonuclear War? Hmm... What about the name of my dead son? Then I'll never change it. I'll give that ID root...
And another thing: Why were they running test programs on the production environment? Duh! That's just asking for trouble.