back to article Arrests from e-borders pilot pass 1,000

Alerts issued by the Joint Border Operations Centre (JBOC) have resulted in more than 1,000 arrests. The Home Office said the JBOC, set up in January 2005 to fight illegal immigration, terrorism and other crimes, has issued 12,044 alerts to relevant agencies, resulting in 1,047 arrests and other interventions. Information …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And the number charged and found guilty?

    I wonder how many of the 1047 arrests etc actually resulted in charges, and being found guilty of those charges. It's relatively easy to arrest someone - the police do it all the time to people who aren't necessarily guilty of the crime they're being arrested for - getting stuff by the CPS is a lot harder, and requires a higher level of evidence. If there haven't been a significant number of successful prosecutions, then all that 1047 number shows is that the e-borders pilot has led to a significant number of wrongful arrests and other interventions, adversly impacting the lives of a number of (maybe) law abiding and innocent people.

    Of course, I'm happy to be proved wrong, and to find out that there were, say, 500 successful prosecutions from this pilot.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And what charges?

    You know, I immediately wondered the same thing exactly. Let's hear the details (and what for - perhaps 800 out of 100 were parking tickets?)

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. Graham Marsden


    I, too, would like to know the number of "false positives" and the number who were arrested for minor infractions and the number actually charged *and* convicted...

    It's easy to bandy around numbers of "arrests", the figures behind them, however, make more interesting reading.

  5. Aubry Thonon

    So what?

    A new control is installed and - guess what - people get caught! Wow.

    I'll be more impressed if these numbers are still that high in a couple of months, when the terrorists have figured out how the control works and come up with a way around it. Of course, the UK Government will turn around and proclaim the drop in figures as proof that "People of Interest" are no longer trying to get into the UK.... ^_^

  6. Brian


    How many of these arrests would have been made without the new system? Also, what is the cost per arrest, I bet they're scared to tell you that number.

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