in before
"where's the IT angle?" and
"I used to respect the register it used to be a respectable site!"
A German bus driver demonstrated exemplary concern for his passengers' safety when he ordered a 20-year-old sales clerk to shift her mammary assets or vacate the vehicle, Bild reports. A shocked Debora C of Lindau recounted: "Suddenly he stopped the bus. He opened the door and shouted at me 'Your cleavage is distracting me …
With a glint in my eye and deep sense of anticipation I went to check out the life threatening hooters only to be disappointed with a face shot of the lovely lady with not a breast in sight. Thanks for nothing, Reg...
Mind you, there was a nice pair on the advert for the German eBay site, though. All's well that end's well.
Are you a true IT Geek/Nerd or a poser?
Sorry, but speaking as one of the "true" IT Geeks/Nerds, it is important that you sometimes look up from the source code and take a little joy in the humor of the life that goes on around you.
Its this little respite that helps to put things in perspective and not want to use my keyboard as a paddle and smack one of my co-workers upside the head. ;-)
And to Richard... One has to commend you on your due diligence in trying to seek out if there really is truth in journalism. I too went to the link, and I have to concur with your opinion. One can only say that while there may be some truth in journalism, there is definitely censorship. ;-)
I think instead of being asked to move, the situation should have called for some chivalrous gent to stand up, give the lady a hand, and aid her in disguising said "chesticles".
I for one would not have stood by and watched this lady being treated in such an offhand manner, and looking to nip the situation in the bud, I would have covered them in an instant.
I'm sure I would have been appreciatively thanked for said action. Who says chivalry is dead ?
She is gorgeous with or without huge jubs. RRRRRRRRRR Scratch me, bite me, drag me over the carpet but call me tiger.... ;)
Certainly living evidence that in Germany also gorgeous women exist.
But somehow somebody should learn a bit more german. Nowhere in this article stands that she has huge jubbs. All it says is that she showed too much cleavage but nothing about the size of her jubs. This busdriver should come to London and see how some birds dress here, or how much they don't dress. Maybe his eyes would start to water then. And not to mention the sticky versions of Playboy under his driver seat... But then this report was from the Bild... not any better than The Sun, and tomorrow we see her as Page 3 Girl.
Great to see everyone using the power of the internet to hunt down the 'missing' pic.,Ausschnitt-zu-sexy:-Fahrer-stoppt-Stadtbus_arid,993971_regid,2_puid,2_pageid,4289.html
It would indeed make a fine episode of 'On the Buses'. Half the comments here wouldn't go amiss in the script!