@David Corbett
Hi David, If you're going to use my name in a slanging match...at least have the decency to check your spelling.
So let's go through this line at a time.
>No, Ben - *you* are the fucking idiot, (along with pierrenorman, Ray
>Boehmer, Frank Bough, Tevin Thomas, and several others).
I didn't once call you or anyone else on here a name...so I'll await your apology only I think you've probably had an aneurysm writing that last sentence.
>REG. (is that so difficult a concept for you muppets to grasp?).
Muppets, hmm...intelligent. I think we all realised that he bought the phone to review it. The point being that isn't there enough people in the world who have already reviewed it and commented on the 1st Gen being a bit crap. He's wasted his own money to basically give the same review as others.
However, that aside. I'm sure the author didn't really need two weeks to come to the decisions that he did about the product. He really could have just sat in the apple store and toyed with the phone to realise that his fingers were too big for the keyboard, and as for AT&T sucking the big one...surely that would have been known prior to even going for the phone in the first place?
>And why was buying an iPhone even necessary? Because Apple threw their
>toys out of the pram and wouldn't send them one for review.
Can't comment on this part as I've no idea what apple did.
>El Reg. obviously *do* have bollocks - they aren't just a bunch of fawning,
>press release swallowing hacks. You really should be grateful for that fact.
I'm grateful for the fact that El Reg is one of my most read websites. I use it a lot to keep up with what's going on in the IT world. However, just because someone writes a daming report on a product doesn't mean that I have to agree with it. Again, it's all down to choice.
This particular article has been poorly constructed in terms of a "review" of a product. A review should give opinion tempered with a balanced summary of the product. The article almost managed that, but the cons cited were ones which shouldn't have taken two weeks and $111 of the authors own money (or did El Reg give him expenses?) to identify.
If the phone was available in the UK (and being a new mac convert), I still wouldn't consider buying one until they a) came down in price, b) had reached at least 2-3 Gen. Hell, I waited 5 years before buying my first iPod!
Next time you decide to post a retort, make sure you switch the brain into gear, and at least get peoples names right.