v1.0 not as exciting as it sounds
I downloaded this as soon as it came out. It was kind of handy for configuring NTP, but their claims of managing multiple servers simultaneoullsy and integration with VirtualCenter seem shaky at best in this version. I don't see any integration with VritualCenter. When trying to connect to my VirtualCenter server, it throws a parse error. It worked when I connected it to each ESX host, but that means you have to complete each "Wizard" for each ESX server, one by one. I don't see how that is "managing multiple servers simultaneously" .It's only marginally easier than just editing ntp.conf and step-tickers via the console. When I tried to use the Patch level wizard to see what patches were installed, the program crashed every time. I never did get that to work. The idea is good, but this first version is nothing to get too excited about, and I certainly don't think it's worth $120 per CPU. It also requires Excel to be installed to generate/display reports.
Also, there is no support documentation available.