back to article Skinkers to provide live TV over the net

Skinkers, using technology called LiveStation that it acquired from Microsoft, has developed a peer-to-peer-based video service that allows consumers to watch live television on their PC. Some have taken to calling it a Joost killer, even though Joost is barely alive and Skinkers so far has scant content and is not even in …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So what ?

    So what's the real story here ?

    That 'live' video is possible over the net ?

    I think not, that's been possible and delivered on for some time.

    That 'live' video can be delivered over the net using P2P technology ?

    I also think not as that's also been possible for some time with technology from providers such as Rawflow and Octoshape to name but two.

    That 'live' video can be delivered over the net using some proprietary P2P technology developed by Microsoft ?

    Probably - the BBC should snap it up quickly !

  2. Dillon Pyron

    I think not

    Live TV via P2P? Not as long as the speed depends, not on my 6Mb down, but on my neighbor's 768Kb up. Not as long as carriers link TW, Comcast, AT&T and Verizon do packet shaping. Not when net neutrality goes down in flames and the carriers start suppling their own services.

    Joost is going to have enough trouble as it is. Skinkers has even longer road to hoe.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    The limiting factor here is bandwidth. In North America our speeds suck.

    I can get decent down speeds but my upload is capped at 384Kb. I think I will stick to my DVR where I can skip the commercials or download from Bittorrent where the commercials have already been removed.

  4. John A Blackley


    I swear, if someone announced technology that made the computer user beautiful, independently wealthy and irresistable to the gender of their choice, there's a section of El Reg's readership that would be on here moaning about something!

  5. T Wright


    I look forward to watching an hours worth of Tv before having my bandwidth throttled by my ISP for 24 hrs for using P2P technology over their network.

  6. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Countdown has started

    How long will it be before Skinkers is renamed to Stinkers ?

    Come on, you know I'm right.

    And 768k in upload ? God I'd like to have that speed ! Most people I know have either 64k or 128k in upload, even though they have up to 8Mb in download.

    Sounds like a failure in the making to me.

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