All Australians are criminals
I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Australia a Local Council that doesn't overspend it's budget each year has it's budget *reduced* by the amount it didn't spend. In the teeming urban metropolii like Sydney, this means a suburb-wide attack of 'traffic calming devices' (or f%$&ng speed humps - no wonder everyone wants a 4WD!) about a week before the EOFY.
I'm guessing the Darwin Mayor correctly surmised that the roads up there are so shit a speed hump won't make a difference, everyone has a 4WD and is perpeptually drunk at the wheel anyway. No-one would notice. A fridge with a Darth Vader voice? Actually, most people there would still be too drunk to notice.
On the other hand, he might just be bent. Blimey, that would be a surprise, a council officer on the take. Huzzah.
As a wise man once said:
"Australia is peopled entirely by criminals" - Vizzini