Some americans are so vile...
The decadence of the new age crushed Johnny Stumpy's spirit. He'd always thought of himself as a noble vagabond, a street-licker with virtue. Then, the old man pounded him in the head with a mallet made of gold, and Johnny's dreams died. Stumpy got stumped. - The Devil Wears Sleeveless Ts by Julio Stantore Alright. It's time to …
I mean, manufacturing prices would go down, so everyone would be able to have a computer. Having had practice with the Great Firewall of China, they are in a much better position at, and have had done more research in, monitoring all internet traffic for "terrorist threats" than the current US program that's running. Who can then be sent of to the perfected "re-education camps" that appear to be more effective than Gitmo, as normal stints only last 2 years before inmates are "rehabilitated" and released to the public.
Plus, an Intel Inside Driver would allow you to take your PC to the golf course and keep and eye on your Sadville developments while playing with big sticks and small balls...
PS On a real note, Golfing is taking off in China. Seen as an affluent western past-time, and therefore must be emulated. I despair, sometimes...
Otto Z Stern is a comedy character. A parody of a nationalist libertarian extremist. He's funny because he's off the wall, and disturbing because his meanderings take him through places where we (caring, tolerant, liberal) actually agree with him. And that makes people who think in pigeon holes uncomfortable.
It would have to be carefully written to weed out the slashdotters, those without a sense of humour and those who post comments like the above on a story written by Otto Stern.
This isn't "news for nerds", this is "biting the hand that feeds IT".
Otto is not a libertarian he's a hardcore right wing evangelist. A libertarian would say 'Fuck it, if people want to play golf in the desert let'em'
Though I must agree with out admittedly fictitious author. Golf is a huge, elitist, waste of space. I've always wanted golf courses switched over to Kart tracks. So much more fun for everyone. Hell we could even race the little golf carts. That would be good for some drunken mayhem.
My informants tell me the PRC is getting pissed just holding all those dollars they earn as Treasury bonds and keeping the USA afloat in the process. The PRC is worried that the dollar could go down the pan very quickly if stops being the world reserve currency - which is to say, if it stops being the mandatory instrument for oil trades. As they peg to the dollar, this would be doubly bad for them. They intend therefore to adopt a more aggressive foreign investment strategy. Intel would be a good place to start, not least as they could dispose of a big part of their dollar mountain one good blow. The problem (for the US) as Otto correctly notes is that any greenbacks they put on the table could be very difficult to refuse. Market tip - buy Intel.
It's also why the neocons are attempting to engineer a (treasonous?) North American Free Trade Area - without of course telling the US people. The idea is they think it would be better having China in their own backyard and called Mexico, rather than somewhere they can't see it or find it without a map. Or GPS, depending on whether they're just looking or routing their B52's.
I think that anyone that has a problem with this article should probably go get their news off cnn.com or somesuch. Articles like this show El Reg's attitude, which is the reason that I read it.
Could anything other than an article of this nature show more completely the way in which corporate insanity has not affected our Reg in any way?
I really think The Reg should keep publishing articles about whatever they want, written any way that they want, because they seem to have proven their good taste in that area.
But I agree totally about the golf courses.
Providing a totally artifical token piece of greenery amidst the weed infested devastation we call civilisation just acts to conceal how much damage we are really doing. Wallpapering over the gaping holes in the environment.
The self obsessed ravings Otto is parodying (sp?) are what the rest of the world expects from the USA, and its reassuring to see that there are a couple of people amongst the 300 million or however many it is that can poke fun at themselves.
God almighty! I thought that the Reg was supposed to be a quality news site that takes the p*ss out of anyone and everyone at every opportunity. Why do some people get so offended, or take everything they read so seriously?? Its no wonder that the IT profession is full of t*ats. All you people moaning about El Reg being unprofessional and immature need to get a life. IPHONE IPHONE IPHONE, i had no reason to say it, but i went there anyway.
Let's all studiously keep each other's point of view out of our respective sights. Let's avoid any exposure to someone who thinks differently, and let us especially not put our own selves into question.
Ignorance is the best. That way, any time we want to declare a war on the others, all we need to justify it is to show how disgustingly different they are.