Delete Credit file? - Yeah right!!
So you have a good credit rating do you?
Where do you think that information comes from?
It comes from your credit file with Experian/Calldata/Equifax- who happen to hold more info about you than Experian btw!
Each mortgage/bank loan/car loan/mobile phone/credit card payment you make is recorded, as paid on time, late, defaulted, account closed etc..
Make your payments on time and in full and your credit rating will go up over time, as you are considered a good customer + low risk. Dont and it's recorded, as late, defaulted, etc. Hence when you go for a loan, mortgage/credit card/ whatever, they can see what risk you are. No company lending money/credit/services is wanting customers that dont pay - it's hassle for them to chase you and that equals expense that isn't profit making.
Delete your credit file? Say good bye to your credit rating then. With no history of you making payments how are you expected to be assessed? No credit history = no credit rating = no loans/mortgages/credit cards/mobile phones etc.. Unless of course you want PAYG phones + door to door collectors for your 420odd% loan (see Provident website for rates haha!!) and mortgages from companies of questionable ethics + rates.
I think the reason why Experian dont want to be alerting you to credit file activity is that with the UK having the worst debt in europe, it will keep them very very busy in an unprofitable way. What company on earth is going to do that?
What they should be doing is alerting you to the fact that you should be paying off your existing debt, instead of buying that new car/upgrade or holiday you've been after. Then maybe UK debt would come down. ID fraud is but a mere drop in the ocean, compared to the debt in this country.
If you think we'd get the option to tell a company to delete information about us your kidding yourself.
Imagine calling the DVLA to delete all your points because you dont think they shouldn't have that info... next time pass on the crack pipe.