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We really are very much obliged to reader James Gauth who pointed us in the direction of this bunch of mobile phone animations down at ringtonezone: The montage of boob flash animations at ringtonezone So what, we hear you saying - it's just another run-of the mill, albeit jubtastic, flag-based flash. Well, before changing …
Well the site's working for me though a bit slow.
Currently I have the whole world in perfect sync, except for "miss Australia" who is half a cycle out of phase.
I think I could easily spend the rest of the afternoon investigating other effects. Much better than work. Thanks!
Google cache. Still loads the images from ringtonezone so it's a bit slow, but working right now.
Looks very derivative of the Fairy Dance page, which did the same thing with an array of slightly varied anime drawings of a very happy fairy bouncing up and down (no nudity). Imho that page was a lot nicer, but sadly it too recently went offline:
Wow, gives me an awesome idea.
I'll blackmail a bank for money under the threat of DDoS'ing them.
Then I'll post a tip to elReg saying "oi look, this bank's been threatened, oh and they have boob pictures *here* (point to the bank's www)"
I'm gonna get even richer...
Unfortunatley the content isn't original. I remember watching that animation on a dual-head setup 4 years or so ago. That was *nice*, whenever I needed a bit of distraction all I had to do was turn my head a couple of degrees. :)
Can't remember her name, though.
There are other animations of her available at
I remember when this first came out, it was a demo of the new-fangled
Flash technology - what a pun. The point was the lady sat until you moved
the mouse pointer over whereupon she proceeded to lift her top.
Cleverly, if you moved the mouse away quickly the shirt went back on quickly,
it was very interactive. Impressive for its day...
Impressive too that someone's paid someone to photoshop in flags
of nations on the original frame-by-frame - a few frames anyway.
I suppose there's cash in them thar phone thingys.
There was another version even more NSFW. ELSFW.