Good grief...'s no more racist than me saying I think you're stupid because you've got a big nose.
I think you're stupid because you've got a big nose.
And if these people have got nothing better to do with their sad little lives than to threaten chefs, leave them to it. When are people going to realise that people of such limited genetic material and brain get off on the publicity their brainless actions produce, nothing more. In words of one syllable, they do it for the fame. They do it to impress their mates, and to look hard. They don't care that the rest of the UK thinks they are just a bit sad, they don't care that the rest of the world doesn't know a thing about them. They care that in their village they are the big men, and their friends respect them through some sort of misplaced loyalty, or just downright fear. At that age fear gives you power.
Stein and Oliver are rich enough to hire ten armies to sautee these halfwits into oblivion. Let them have their fight in private and don't make them any more famous than they already are. You're fighting fire with fire here. Stop.