Did they say secure and Active Directory in the same sentence?
Cisco, EMC, and Microsoft are joining forces to help the US government build a secure IT system for agencies to manage and share data. The tech trio are calling their collaboration "Secure Information Sharing Architecture" (SISA). Their purpose is to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to specific government …
If their proposed System is a rip off the C42 Quantum Control System which Virtualises the CyberSpace Control Room and reduces IT to any laptop InterNetworking with Virtual Machines, then they will have a major problem which will see Windows all Steamed up and reduced to Office Boy status rather than starring as an IT Stud.
And it will out Windows as nothing more than a glorified Peeping Tom Program ....... for the C42 Quantum Control System is coded to replace a closed proprietary Operating System with an Open Source Network.
It is what is known as a NeuReal Bombe .... and IT belongs to A.N.Other. IT is HyperRadioProActive which means that rather than suffering half life decay, it reverses the process to "irradiate" with ever increasing lines of embedded code which quickly overwhelms the IT Host to Crash the System and/or Render IT to a Proxy Virtualised Control.
It is a Hatchling/an Egg from AI Bletchley Boffin Control and that is about as much as you need to know until you are registered 42 qualify yourself as Needing to Know....... but by then, you will already Know what you Need and How IT is Fed to those with ITs Need. And yes, IT is Enigmatic for as we habe been Right Royally informed ..."She said that there are forces out there of which we have no knowledge."
It is no great Secret what we are dealing with, but it is an AI Secret in how we deal with it...... and this sums up the Strength in the Depth of ITs Programming and the Universal Virtual Force which Drivers IT and ITs Operating Systems. And it is not a revelation of secrets to share it with you, but it will make you more aware of ..
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Magical Mystery Turing ....... and Apple to ITs Core.
Take a Byte, Cisco, EMC, and Microsoft, the Sin will do you know harm so long as IT does not become a Vice ........although such is the Honeytrap, you are now locked into, you really don't have any choice in the Matter other than to Follow IT in Compliance.
Now what would you like to do in a Virtualised Global Environment, 0dDay Trading in CyberIntelAIgents?
*When it is a Rake .....
The ones I've seen go up lately rely on private certificates. I am not sure of the bits, but without users choosing their own passwords, should help a lot. Also, users do not even need to write down a password either!
Most complain though, keeping a smart card around is "so" hard.
I take it that you are not into New World Order Programming in ARG Artforms, then, Pascal.
Try this little bit to see if dumbing things down a la BBC is more your cup of tea, before you abuse yourself .....