back to article O2 lacking Apple focus

If the last batch of rumours turn out to be true, and O2 is planning to stock the iPhone, then they'll have to do something about their on-line billing system; it can't be accessed by most Apple Mac users at all. O2 have confirmed that on-line billing isn't supported on Macs, but they reckon it works with Firefox on Panther …


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  1. Chris Leuty

    Works for me

    I recently finished an O2 contract and I could access online billing using Firefox on both MacOS X 10.3 and 10.4 with no problems for the whole 12 month period.

    Surprisingly, I can still log in so have a look at this screenshot taken today (Firefox, MacOS X 10.3.9):

  2. Chris Leuty

    One more thing...

    I forgot to add that Safari definitely doesn't work on 10.3.9 though; I can't even log in.

  3. nik Green

    It works for fine

    I've been using the O2 site to view my phone bills for the last couple of years, using Safari v1 v2 & now Beta 3 without any problems at all

    In fact your article made me check again just now in case something had been changed and certainly for me all is working fine.

  4. Cyberspice

    Works fine now.

    It used to be quite poor a while a go but with updates to Safari and updates to the O2 web site the functionality has improved. For the last few months it has worked fine.

  5. Greg

    Is this really news worthy?

    I think not.

  6. Trevor Watt


    'Not supported' is not the same as does not work. It simply means they do not give tech support. Opera is not supported and it works fine.

  7. Dave

    Not just O2

    I tried accessing the Virgin Atlantic on-line check-in system with Safari. It worked fine until the last page, which it resolutely refused to load. The sting in the tail is that it had successfully submitted the details, merely refusing to tell me that it had done so. Still some work to do out on the World Wild Web.

  8. SImon Hobson Silver badge

    There's much more to worry about ...

    ... if O2 get an exclusive. To start with, they still seem to think 5MByte for a fiver (ex vat) is a good deal, or 250MByte for £25 (again ex vat), when others are doing 1GByte for £8.

    Of course, that's assuming you actually manage to get past the non-sales team and the customer-non-service team to actually persuade them to sell you a contract. To say me experience with them hasn't been positive would be an understatement.

    However, having said all that they really really aren't as bad (very bad) as I found Orange AND when I signed up they even sent me a PDF of how to set up a Mac (both OS9 and OS X so that dates it) to use internet access via the phone.

    They really aren't that bad as mobile networks go, and it was something of a surprise to find that they actually had some Mac support !

  9. Ian Ferguson

    Works for me too

    Works fine for me, but then I do use Firefox. To be fair on O2, Safari doesn't work with a lot of sites, not just theirs. It's a poor browser, full stop - much worse than IE, despite the populist whining. As long as the O2 site can be accessed on the iPhone's browser... oh wait...

  10. Dillon Pyron

    Not supported

    RoadRunner doesn't support anything except Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP. And Outlook Express. When I called about a Eudora problem, the "tech" didn't have the foggiest idea what I was talking about. When a friend called with Linux problem, the "tech" said that Linux didn't work with RoadRunner. I don't even bother with Firefox.

    Now one of my suppliers had a notice posted on the home page saying that they didn't currently support IE 7 and that the user should use IE 6, Firefox, Mozzilla, Opera or Safari. Really, that's what it said. And it worked under all of them.

  11. Alastair MacDiarmid

    works fine for me with safari

    It was a bit iffy about a year back but Ive not had probems with it since.

    Are we not confusing the fact th O2 don't "support" apple, doesn't mean that it doesn't actually function....

  12. Tom Hawkins

    Well it doesn't work for me... least it didn't last time I bothered to try, and I'm sure I checked with Firefox as well as Safari and Camino. I've bothered O2 tech support at least twice about it and the only response I got was some instructions on how to delete cookies in Internet Explorer :-P I only stay with the b*ggers 'cos they're cheap (and so am I).

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