back to article Security flaw marketplace lays out its wares

An online marketplace where researchers and vendors can trade in security vulnerabilities has been created by a Swiss research lab. WSLabi said its eBay-style marketplace will create a more open and transparent market for security flaws, enabling researchers to strike a fairer bargain for their work. The international …


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  1. Hein Kruger

    how secure is secure?

    "Personal data along with the full details of vulnerabilities will be held on a separate and secure system."

    I imagine every black hat between here and Timbuktu will want a crack at finding out just how secure that separate system really is...

  2. DaveHowe

    And if they do....

    will they be allowed to sell details on how to haxxor the site on the site, or will they mysteriously find that the problems get fixed long before its approved for posting?

  3. Daniel


    Microsoft's own net security team was rated as the 10 worst jobs, but they are still running daily.


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