a what what and a what?
These are extras?
Lets see..
A poker game. wow.. got one already
Somewhere to hold my passwords. OK, coded an encrypted locker myself. But for those who cant code, google a free one.
Looping video in the background. That would be damned annoying.
Is this the best they can offer? Why o why o why? I'm not an msoft basher in the slightest but they really are doing themselves no justice at all. Pissy Vista O/S and a "goody bag" full of crap.
I'm on XP right now, love it, know it, works fine (for most intents and purposes). Whatever was wrong with the occasional update/service pack? Are they intentionally trying to piss people off by forcing them (eventually) into using a monster of an O/S that nobody wants.....?
Oh well, who cares, not, wont, shan't be upgrading.