its obvious isn't it?
I seem to remember something about them attempting to create a black hole later on in the year.
I guess its only right that Torchwood should get involved if they're going to destroy the world...
Torchwood's Captain Jack has been sighted at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Does this mean that when it is switched on it is likely to open a rift under Cardiff from whence all manner of spooky things shall spring? Captain Jack does the Da Vinci pose at CERN Or is it a shameless publicity stunt designed to raise the profile …
I seem to remember that blackholes could be a side effect for the expermentation to find the Higgs field / particle (boson). These black holes will evaporate (from Hawkins radiation) which basically breaks up virtual particles near the event horizon. I alway thought that virtual particles would be the way teleportation would work by a chain of particles eliminating until some condition preserved the final particle, but i digress.
What is so exciting about the LHC is that it could open up a new area of technology. If i'm right in my thinking, If you can get the standard model to work then you have a roadmap to a way of interating with Higgs via an EM field, which is pretty exciting.
I don't think even touchwood could imagine all the results of that.
BTW: I gave up watching Touchwood, when in my option it lost the plot and started to concentrate on characters, who would risk everyone else with their own agenders, and burst into tears when the others didn't like it.
(I got fedup of seeing that same plot device, over and over)
DUDES! Don't expect black holes! If these were possible at the low low energy densities that puny humans can create, you can bet that Tevatron would already have a few unexplained bumps in its probability density curves.
Expect possibly one Higgs or more. Possibly. Additional phenomena are bonus! It would be nice to have something new beyond the Standard Model, some supersymmetric particle or something. Don't hold your breath.
"What is so exciting about the LHC is that it could open up a new area of technology. If i'm right in my thinking, If you can get the standard model to work then you have a roadmap to a way of interating with Higgs via an EM field, which is pretty exciting."
Err...absolutely not. The Standard Model works quite well currently though no-one knows why it is the way it is. It's just a mathematical framework for the known particles and it indeed predicts a "Higgs", but does such a thing really exist? Don't expect wonder engineering to come out of this.
Here is a nice presentation of the state of LHC from "Strings 2007":
And a interactive presentation from the Science Museum to "Hunt for the Higgs":
Or you can check out the New Yorker:
And now I'm back to playing Half-Life