dreadful stereotype mind slip
saw 'Merseyside' and read 'shopfitters' as 'shoplifters'
Merseyside building and shopfitting outfit Klassik Builders has registered the six millionth .co.uk web address. The earth-shattering internet tidings were brought by Nominet, the not-for-profit which is in charge of promoting and administering the .co.uk top level domain. It passed the five million mark in May last year, and …
Can anyone tell me why in the UK, we need the ".co" part of a ".uk" domain?
Every other European country just uses the last part, for example:
but in the UK we have to have:
rather than:
what's the point of the ".co" bit? Why can't we register www.-----.uk domains?
I would like to add, I am currently working on the klassikbuilders website, and as we only registered it last week it is not finished. The press release from nominet took us by suprise as we had no idea we were the 6 millionth! It will be finished in due course. My email address is at the bottom of klassikbuilders.co.uk if you would like to comment personally.
All 404's will be replaced by valid pages within the next few days. And their building work is excellent!
I just read Julie Lowe's post on the 404 pages being fixed.
Having navigation to non-exiting pages or to page with no content to me is just frustrating.
If the page isn’t there don’t put in place the navigation.
If the page isn’t completed don’t put in place the navigation.
Nobody knows the page isn’t there until you tell them. Why encourage a bad experience.
Would you go to a restaurant and appreciate if over half the menu wasn’t available. May discourage you from going back.
How about going to shopping centre (Mall) and even though all the shops had store fronts, when you went into them they were empty.
To me this is the same as pages going 404 or empty pages.
Gripe over…
.uk is by no means unique in only allowing registrations in the third level. You could also ask why Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil and Australia do similar things.
If you are given a domain to manage, you can decide to split it by usage or not. I think it is a good idea to have .mod.uk and .gov.uk quite separate from .co.uk and .org.uk.