Prue Irony! I love it!
All this time... those frakking idiots have been slamming Ferrari... saying they are losing it.. saying they are cheats.... saying they are cruel.
And what happens... the icon... the joy... the most raved about team... suddenly looks even worse than the monster that people call Ferrari.
I personally am a big time fan of Ferrari (im not obsessed of course). I personaly think FIA has had it in for Ferrari since 2 to 3 years ago... dumbing down the technologey in the racing to slow the cars down.... taking away traction control and several other really cool pieces of equipment that we today enjoy the fruits of in our own cars since the olden days. Formula 1 should be a multi billion dollar research project with a kick... racing.... not something similar to NASCAR.... If I was interestead in just the racing.. I'd watch NASCAR.
No offense to fans of NASCAR... just I prefer something with high tech and more challengeing than just going in ciricles.
Its sad however... Lewis Hammilton rocks.... big time... he's broken records every race.... and now we find out McLaren has stolen tech (allegedy).
The fact there's rumors/acusations of corruption and what not wil be enough to embarrass FIA to slapping them around... to save face.
I look forward to the next couple of races....
Ferrari should be hailed as an outstanding example of research... just because they win dosen't mean other teams cant... they win becasue they do their homework and can afford it..... other teams don't have that kind of power... yet they do just as good if not better in several cases.
People get jealous of that ferrari tends to dominate the scene... they should consider how and why... not that they do it period.
The teams get so jealous they scruitinize every nut and bolt ferrari changes... and when they do something so revelutionary... they scream at FIA and FIA peanlizes them or makes a new rule about it. All a big fat Frase.
Ferrari has played some nasty tricks in the past... I won't deny it... but so have others... I beleave someones already pointed out that the majority of Formula 1 is about how clever you are in your tech....
Drivers are not what makes the car win... they are a importaint component of the car yes.... but the car...the research.. the engineering...right down to the joe who holds that "lolipop" stick in front of the driver to let him know when its time to rocket out of pit lane... each one has an importaint role in racing. The Driver is not the most importaint thing... but only one of the most importaint things...
theres my 2 cents and a nickle.