Because business acumen is a genetic trait
You just have to take one look at Paris Hilton to see evidence of that
There's some good news this morning for Bill Gates: if he ever finds himself fallen on hard times he can always make a few quid offloading his sperm on eager Chinese female recipients. That's if China's Self magazine is to be believed, because the IT potentate secured second spot in a poll which asked 1,000 women from 15 cities …
"They still..... will not *date* the nerdy type though."
That must be because the real nerdy types aren't trying....... yet.:-)
You'd be amazed at what happens whenever they do. And IT certainly will amaze All if they are doing IT Right.
And that is a Constant Quantum BetaTest which ITs Programmers Drive Every Day in ZeroDay Virtual Trade Environments/Domains.
IGF Territory in Intellectual Property Portfolios?
I do Believe IT is So...... therefore IT is?
Is that a HyperRadioProActive Mars Launch or Landing?
A Paradigm Shift in Thinking to Manage Perception for a Change into AI AidDed Systems Servered from an InterNetworking Core/Hub/Virtualised Root Server.
I Kid U Not.
I am a 100% bona fide female girl. Almost all the men I have dated in the last 7 years (since I turned 18) up to and including my current boyfriend, have had jobs best described to my parents as "something to do with computers". Intelligent men are sexy. Tall, skinny, wears glasses and 'amusing' t-shirts, works for me. Of course, they have also all known how the shower works, been polite and attentive, and had a certain amount of confidence which are hurdles for many men, geek or otherwise.. ;-)
This just puts me in mind of all those so-called alien abduction reports where sad guys claim they were specially selected by their overlords to impregnate their whole species of lush ultra-babes from Planet Sexy. Bill could live out that fantasy for real! Scary.
I, for one, welcome our new overlords. Good night.
I guess we will be seeing frozen sperm of famous people being auctioned off on EBAY now. To bad I am in my late 40's now I probably could have produced 4 or 5 products a day in my teens or early 20's and retired in 3 or 4 years. Of course you would be caught eventually but just put the money in a Swiss bank and say you spent it at the race track placing bets.
There again if I just produce one every other day now the kids will be a lot smarter than the ones Bills magic juice would have produced. You might need partners of other races to fill those black and hispanic sport figure orders.
Yet another cottage industry is born. But what should we call it? Spoogle?