We've lost
The West has lost the GWOT. Not because of some military victory, but because of a psychological victory. The recent events in London and Glasgow prove that. Our governments and citizens run around like chickens with their heads cut off, screaming "the terrorists, the terrorists".
How free are you, compared to, say, 1980? What rights did British subjects have in 1980 that you don't have now? How many cameras were there in 1980? What rights did US citizens have in 1980 that we don't have now? What rights that we extended to others have we taken from them? How much shampoo can I put in carry on? In fact, the only positive change I can think of is the disappearance of 55 MPH.
With every right we lose, with every camera that goes up (oh, we'll get them soon enough, trust me on that one), with every incarceration without charge, the terrorists win a little battle, as they bend us into a state that they really want us to be.