Snuff movies are legal, but naked pretend snuff not?
"Material covered will include necrophilia, bestiality, and violence that is life threatening or likely to result in serious injury to the anus, breasts, or genitals,"
You might recall the Japanese Guinea Pig Films movies, in which a naked woman has her arms and legs tied and then cut off one by one, until she finally faints and dies. You may remember how shocked and appalled middle England was, and how horrified shell suit single moms were from what they read in the tabloids.
How could they murder an innocent woman in such a brutal way and film it? So of course anyone who watched it, is party to the murder and should face jail time. (NSFW)
So our good and thoughtful government is trying to protect us from evils such as these. You can imagine the horrible scene in your mind of the slowly dying woman wriggling as each of her limbs is cut off, one by one ....
But then again....
It is only in your mind. it's not real. It's IN YOUR MIND, NOT REAL.
It was an overhyped fake gory movie and the tabloids needed a story on a dull day. The makers even made a 'making of' movie for part 2 to calm down the shell suit nanny brigade with their overactive imaginations.
Kill Bill would not be more gory if the actresses were naked as they got their limbs cut off. The cow slaughter scene in Apocalypse Now, is not more gruesome if a naked girl was diddling it at the time. Next time they watch a forced throat gagging movie, notice the girl will put the man's p**** back in her mouth if it falls out.... gee, you don't think she's acting do you? That couldn't be true, could it?
They might think that violent movies lead to real life crimes of violence, but Japan has one of the lowest violent crime rates but one of the most gory sexual movie. So the causal link isn't there.
Why it is legal to show videos of people dying in war, but not if they're pretend dying while having s3x? If there was a link there, wouldn't you ban both?
You might think it would lead to more animals being diddled if bestial1ty movies are legalized, but would the dogs complain? If there's not a problem there, why not legalize them? What problem exactly are you trying to fix that's worth making more criminals and hence more problems?
It's the same problem Britain always has. They make such a big deal out of everything, so the imagined problem is far worse in their minds than the real problem.
But it's only in their minds.