third sector?
Can any one explain what the 'third sector' is? I would have thought it was either public or private
Answers on a postcard....
Movement on the digital divide has stalled with only marginally more people online today than three years ago. UK online centres, managed by the University for Industry, have issued a report which says that bridging the digital divide is the responsibility of the public, private, and third sector working together. Conducted in …
Have they considered that the 31% remaining don't want a computer - I know that my grandparents don't want a computer. Perhaps as the old people die off and generations move up, the numbers will decrease slowly - I can't think of many kids my age who don't have a computer.
Never heard of it before. I thought it would be charities, but googling suggests it means quangos. There's even an Office of the Third Sector in the cabinet.
BTW, does "those already at a disadvantage are three times more likely to be the ones missing out" mean anything more than "poor people can't afford to buy things"?