I can't believe it
The questions that "Brainteaser" asked were so ridiculously easy, It's incredible that they couldn't find a correct answer.
Five has been hit with a £300,000 fine by regulator Ofcom in what is the biggest payout by a public service broadcaster to the regulator. It was found to have faked winners in live call-in competitions. In shows produced by Cheetah, a subsidiary of Big Brother producer Endemol, production staff posed as winners on numerous …
I hope the legal departments at the various TV channels have considered this kind of possibility when drawing up contracts for programme purchase. It would seem somewhat unfair for Five not to be able to pass on some of the fine/costs. But if they can't, fair enough, it might encourage Five (and others) to monitor their suppliers' practices more closely in future.
Is there any Endemol-originated content that isn't in some way utter rubbish or utterly corrupt or both?