My PlusNet connection went down last night.
Yep, I'm with PlusNet, but based up in Leeds, and I lost internet last night, but could have been a co-incidence :)
We're getting reports of rampant heroism from IT support staff in flooded Sheffield. The city received about two months rainfall in a matter of hours yesterday. Three people have been killed by the floods and thousands forced to leave their homes. Water getting a little too close for comfort ISP Plusnet is based in the …
Austin has received more rain in the month of June than we do in June, July and August. We are up considerably over average and hugely up over last year. The lakes are above flood pool (which has nothing to do with flooding). Today it will probably hit 83, the normal is about 95. We've only had one 100 degree day this year.
If this is global warming, I'm buying a Hummer. :-) An excellent site that shows the weather about a half mile from my house. Run by a neighbor from a weather station at his house.
Not the flood, that's real, but I drove past the plusnet offices twice this morning (trying to find a way to my IT based work - which I did), so it's certainly possible for their staff to get there, they just have to be inventive.
On the pizza issue, service was so slow last night that my pizza arrived cold and free, the cold issue was remedied with the microwave.
I've had some very good communications with Plus Net support. I have dealt with one idiot who couldn't be bothered to read my complaint and assumed I am an idiot (he received due abuse...), but the rest were fantastic (...and received thanks).
Now to getting them to stop this slightly OTT bandwidth throttling. are a completely wrong, apart from one correct statement in which your obvious inability to accept the sadness of your empty life causing your 'idiot' displacement activities.
grow up get a life you sad man, and stop 'dealing with' customer service assistants in call centres who probably never did you any real harm alone.
> have dealt with one idiot who couldn't be bothered to read my complaint and > assumed I am an idiot (he received due abuse...), but the rest were
> fantastic (...and received thanks).
hope you understand that one day you will pick on the wrong 'idiot'.
further, WRT your bandwidth issue, I hope you discover the meaning of the word displacement in this context and make all our lives easier by kicking away the chair.
> are a completely wrong
a completely wrong what?
> grow up get a life you sad man, and stop 'dealing with' customer service assistants in call centres who probably never did you any real harm alone.
Except not dealing with the problem. Those of us who have mastered reading noted that he mentioned one person who was less than helpful (so got the verbal equivalent of cloobat upside the head) and other people who were helpful, so got praise. The pertinent part is mentioned below
>> have dealt with one idiot who couldn't be bothered to read my complaint and > assumed I am an idiot (he received due abuse...), but the rest were
>> fantastic (...and received thanks).
> hope you understand that one day you will pick on the wrong 'idiot'.
like yourself, maybe?
further, WRT your bandwidth issue, I hope you discover the meaning of the word displacement in this context and make all our lives easier by kicking away the chair.
oh, you're a comedian in their right mind jokes about that, no matter how pathetic they are. I notice this was an anonymous post...says it all really, methinks...
regards the "completely worng" (?!?), I think he's right to give criticism or praise. Anyone who deals with the public will tell you that praise is rare enough - most people assume good service - fair enough - but everyone likes to have their work appreciated.
Regards free pizza... mmmmm.... free pizza....
and regards the rain, it came down in dublin last friday like nothing I'd seen. I was in viet nam last year while monsoons were swinging around china, so we caught the tail of it - but that's what it was like! Flooding and roads closed. While it may make for better weather in the USA, they'd want to cop on, as it's getting dangerous for those of us not on one large landmass