is there no escape?
Paris Hilton's three-weeks and two-days stint in the slammer has come to an end, with the blonde jailbird and hotel heiress walking free today. According to reports, Hilton, who had been banged up for drink-driving related offences, left the all-women's jail in Lynwood, California in the early hours of Tuesday. Her parents, …
The only reason i can think that el reg is covering this is because Ms Hilton is in fact a new prototype robot of some kind.
In may explain some of its action/malfunctions that have happened recently, It also explains why so many people refuse to criticize this technology 'breakthrough'.
Just some something to ponder........
If any normal pi$$ head gets sent to prison when they come out they are left alone to dwell and be ashamed .. but noooooo because its pi$$ed hilton she gets lots of attention and press to welcome her and make her out to be wonderful for going to prison!!! Hey why not kill someone next time maybe they'll throw a party on her release and give her a medal ffs!
I don't think community service is the answer here - she'd only cash in on the thing - "Simple Life - Street Edition" or something.
Why not send a nice bill to Ms. Hilton for the amount of money wasted on this whole sorry mess - the trial, the retrial, hell even the prison sentence itself.
...tens of thousands die in Iraq, North Korea has The Bomb and Chernobyl sarcophagus threatens to collapse...
Forcing the Hiltons to cough up for whatever this fiasco cost is pointless. It would be a drop in the ocean compared to what the family is worth...and I bet they wouldn't pay up anyway.
The question is, what do they do with her now? The woman is a bloody embarrasment to all of us. I dearly wish she would just fuck off.
Why Paris, what an apt demonstration of the sham that suffices as a justice system! A single rich spoiled bimbo can almost top Microsoft at showing us that you can buy your way out of anything is you can get the right money into the right hands. it just me, or did it look like she had just won Big Brother the way she walked out and to crowds of people and photographers and cars...
And as for "I've changed!!" - bollocks. Lock her up long enough for those dumb fools ("fans") to forget about her, then see if she's changed. And no "special unit", stick her with the other criminals.
she went from shocked, meek, just-out to skank-walking for the press in less than four seconds. Her body language was so funny - once she entered the optimum papparazi-zone, her walk and demeanour had changed utterly, back to vacuouys limelight-lover.
She was just short of making a Transformers noise.