This has been predicted and "management" has known about this for about 5 years. Heck, Google knew about their issues 3 years ago and fixed it. The NSA's problem is that they're stuck back in the mid 90s when big iron was king.
The National Security Agency (NSA), America's ultrasecret electronic spy agency, may be on the verge of a disastrous power overload at its Maryland headquarters. According to the Baltimore Sun, energy supplies to the NSA's Fort Meade head-shed have been under strain for some time, with problems reaching a critical level last …
With the speed and grace Google has been stamping out their new Data Centers you would figure the NSA could have taken a hint. Oh wait its the government and they are all about waste and red tape. As I said in the Google report I'm just throwing it out there but as fast as Google is putting these things together I would suspect there has to be some kind of government angle on this thing. States are just lining up to have one put in. No enviromental impact survey's or anything just sign and build we think about it later.