IQ therefore I am shopping?
All this about IQ just doesn't mean anything.
To label someone with a number is as accurate as looking at a building and saying that the city is x tall. Reality just isn't so simple.
Real live people are infinitely variable and while many people have really amazing talents, most of them don't capitalise on them for some reason or other. They are too busy doing what they want to do, and not focussing on what they are good at.
Two examples. My son was tested by one of the top people in the country in their field, and at the age of 5 (almost) was rated as listening equivalent of 15 years old. Go figure! If you tell him something straight, he __DOES__know what you said. Doesn't mean he will do what you ask, or can sing, or draw, or anything else. FFS, he is just a 5 year old with 5 year old reflexes, body, and emotions etc. He does what he wants to do.
Next example, I was tested at 15 by someone from the army with some cool puzzles.
Poor guy seemed really nervous and told me not to tell anyone else, but that I had gotten the highest score of the entire country that year. It was only many years later that I realised it was an IQ test and the reason that I have so few friends is that most people are on another planet than I am. But I'm doing what I want to do right now.
Yes, publicising the kids capabilities is silly at that age. So she is 2 years old. Is that 2 years, 3 months, or 9 months? that's a 25% difference!
Knowing the kid is bright is a VERY good idea, it gives the parent(s) a chance to realise that they are probably bright also, and to prepare for the enormously harder childhood the kid WILL have. Without going postal over all those questions.
Telling the kid is a really bad idea. No sense in putting them under pressure to perform.
Raising your game to be ready when they get bored with school at the age of 10 'coz they actually do know everything the school has to offer and you need to get them into university, IS a good idea.
Letting them have a life is a good idea - 2 movies. Good Will Hunting vs Beautiful Mind.
Your call.