maybe it's about security... stupid?
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 17:31:16 -0400
To: TSCM-L <TSCM-L2006[at]>
From: "James M. Atkinson" <jmatk[at]>
Subject: [TSCM-L] {1735} (Crackberry Juice) French Government Blackballs BlackBerry on Espionage Fears
The ironic thing is that the French have been eavesdropping on Blackberries in the United States for years, and they have several extremely sophisticated interception sites in the DC area, San Jose, Seattle, Philadelphia, and Boston. One of the reason the French government is all upset with the United States is that they (the French) have been intercepting Crackberry traffic for years, along with Golden Eagle/Nextel phones, plus any phone that uses Qualcomm chips.
Within the article there are a number of claims made by RIM that are utter and complete horseshit. While the messages are encrypted, it is a fairly low level encryption that is only suited for frustrating only amateur eavesdropping, but will do nothing more then amuse a professional eavesdropping who will have no problem decrypting the message.
Let's all repeat Jim Atkinson's mantra again: "IF IT HAS AN ANTENNA, IT IS NOT SECURE".