RE: Typical hacker scum making typical hacker excuses.
> Tell any hacker that they are doing something that is wrong ... and you > will always get a list of pathetic excuses and pathetic claims that the
> rules don't apply to them. Now you can reward a hacker by paying for a > book full of this kind of misleading BS! Yay!
First go read what a hacker is.
> The Warden is not spyware ... to be spyware, you have to be unaware
> that it is there, or unaware of what it is doing ... if you read the EULA, as > is your responsibility, then you are aware ... if you don't read it, too bad, > you made the choice to be uninformed when you clicked the Accept
> button.
I classify anything _I_ don't start to send information to a remote location as spyware. Doesn't matter if it's written down somewhere, I didn't start it
app $foo started it.
> Whether or not the EULA is enforcable in court is irrelevant, everyone,
> especially hackers, are aware that by clicking on the accept button, you
> are agreeing to follow the rules. You can't claim ignorance ... especially if
> you fully intend to break the rules. Here in Canada, 'intent' matters more
> than the law itself. If you can be shown to have had no intent to commit
> a criminal act, then you did not commit a criminal act except by an act of
> negligence. Hackers are nothing but pure criminal intent incarnate. Only
> a fool would try and debate this fact.
Again I point you to read what a hacker is as you apparently have no clue what the hacker subculture is. So under Canadian law if I intended to kill someone but later didn't do it I would still be found guilty of it? Hackers
have nothing to do with criminal intent.
> Blizzard has never hesitated to ban cheaters, in the hundreds of
> thousands. They don't need a reason, they can do it on a whim and
> regardless i'm sure that's very clearly stated in the EULA in an
> undisputable way. You don't own their servers or any virtual property,
> they do and can do as they please with it.
I play a few online games among them bzflag. I'm also a cop on one of the servers. We ban/kick people that don't follow the rules. Simple as that. No EULA or anything...
> The article is very misleading too. If it is possible to alter your game
> coordinates by a simple hack then WoW was programmed by idiot
> monkeys. In other games the client does not send the server
> coordinates, it sends the server actions (move in this direction at this
> speed modified by this buff) ... which makes it very easy to detect if your
> character is moving faster than is allowable or if you are using a buff /
> spell / item effect that should not be available to you. I believe it was
> Everquest several years ago where this method of location hacking was
> fixed and led to many instant bans one day when the hacker scum tried
> their tricks after a patch.
No it was programed by people. Bzflag has the same issue the client handles a lot of the stuff and then sends it back. But there aren't that many cheaters those that do come around are dealt with accordingly. And even with the client doing a lot of things the server still has some stuff to detect cheaters.
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