Order now and we'll include at no extra charge (just pay shipping) a jet-powered barrel suitable for navigating over Angel Falls, Venezuela!
It appears that jet-powered novely vehicles are bit like number 8 buses - you wait ages for one and loads come at once. A photo of the jet-powered Sinclair C5 Indeed, no sooner had the jet-powered go-kart roared onto eBay, than another kamikaze vehicle aficionado decided to give wannabe Richard Hammonds the chance to burn some …
I was surprised by the chap's website; although the picture looks like a crude Photoshop montage, it actually seems to be a real jet-powered C5. There are videos, with sound! The intake is on the bottom, and probably sucks up all kinds of dust and debris when it's running. That's probably not a huge problem, because the pilot will not live to see the engine fail.
When I read 'Sinclair' at first, somehow I was thinking in the Sinclair computers from the 80's. I had forgotten the existance of the vehicle of the same name.
Hm... but putting, say ... a ZX80 on board this jet-Sinclair as the 'pilot' would also bring this article to IT-related status!
There's a little too much emphasis on the aluminum gas tank and wiring loom connectors for my taste. I found a Youtube video of this thing and it moves along smoothly but I bet it took all morning to get up to that speed. I've seen a simple electric go cart go faster and really burn some rubber. Wasn't this thing electric to begin with? This looks like a downgrade.