A title which suggests the album cover photo(s)
Really, to accommodate all the recent news stories, it has to be "Shaved Beaver Fever"
Britney Spears is seeking help in selecting a title for her forthcoming album. Her website says the highly-talented chanteuse is "asking her most die-hard fans for some assistance". The options on offer are: Omg is Like Lindsay Lohan Like Okay Like What if the Joke is on You Down boy Integrity Dignity Pah. We're sure …
So they've put a "dummy" option in... why?
I'll tell you why.
They want a virtual flashmob to join the fan-club in order to push the dud name through. That means thousands of $$$.
So don't even think about it. They won't respect the vote -- they'll say it has been gamed. Save your money: no matter how hard we try, they won't call it "Dignity", because she hasn't got any.
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She could rip off an old Alice Cooper song for the album title:
"I Wanna Be In The Headlines!"
(Look up the lyrics, they match her career)
Or a little honesty with these:
"Just a Media Whore",
"Has Been At It Again",
"Faded Star", or
"Moma Says I'm Still Pretty"
(Why yes, I am a tad cynical today, why'd you ask?)
I don't usually like to pick on people:
1. Omg is Like Lindsay Lohan Like Okay Like - Like, totally not a reason to buy this album
2. What if the Joke is on You - Yes, Brit, what if the joke is on you?
3. Down boy - You have a right to call anyone a dog?
4. Integrity - You have this?
5. Dignity - You have this?
I like what Pete Helliar suggested on Rove Live last night. Perhaps rather than focusing on getting people to come up with an album title, you should focus on getting them to buy the ALBUM.
I thought that El Reg is kidding, and presenting its choice of Britney's album titles. But oh boy, how was I mistaken. My suggestion for Britney would be to use her initials. So the new album title should be simply in huge letters:
This way I think the cover will exactly correspond to the insides of the album.
You guys are quite mean.
Compaired to Paris Hilton, at least Britters does something for her money.
So she cuts loose once in a while? So what?
I'm sure all of us here are teetotal and never did a silly thing in our lives?
She's not that bad.
She even *gasps of shock* has some not bad music.
I say, cut the kid some slack, it cant be easy trying to live your life with cameras in your face everywhere you go.
She's suffered from Pushy Mum syndrome to get here where she is, its not all her fault.
I'll get back in my box now...
It is actually sad that the release of Britney Spears' new album is being pushed all the way to 2008. That really stinks because i was hoping for the album to come out in 2007. I was so excited and so anxious, but now am crushed. Ohhhh :( . Oh well, i guess all Britney fans have to wait until 2008. But lets not get discouraged, because 2008 is almost here, it's not that far, right, or maybe they might change their mind and put the release of the album back to 2007. Oh yeah, about the title of Britney Spears' new album, honestly i think it should be INTEGRITY because it totally describes Britney Spears. I mean after all she's been through, all the struggles, pains, and sufferings, she is still unbreakable and undivided. She is a very strong woman and doesn't care about the mean things that people say about her. That's what i mostly admire about her. We love you Britney Spears.
I honestly feel really bad for Britney because not alot of people hate her. You see this is why i don't want to be famous because one little mistake you make and its all over the news and everyone is talking about it. You start being hated by a lot of people. I just hope that Britney Spears stops going to parties, stops being in the spotlight, and stops smoking and drinking. She should take care of her kids more and a lot of time with them. She should exercise more and start eating more healthier foods. She should ignore the paparazzi and work more on her album. She should start working on her album more and go out less. She should definitely stop smoking, drinking, partying, and wearing nasty clothes. No offense. I mean i don't hate her, but i disapprove of the ways she chooses to act sometimes.
i made a mistake, turns out that Britney Spears' album is being released later in 2007. The 2008 thing was all a rumor and was false. Thank goodness its true. Well u cant blame me for posting that her album is pushed to be released in 2008, because that's wat i read on one of her websites. The makers of the website are the ones who posted it.