the BBC multicasting AVC/H.264 net trials
i guess you people have never heard about how the BBC conducted Multicasting AVC trials then?
most UK ISP's refused to let the UK users trial it.
the problem was and indeed still is, the UK ISP's board of directors from Virgin Media, BT, and all the rest will not just turn back on, the genic multicasting ability that has been included in all the industrys routers and other internet ISP kit from day one.
tell them to turn it back on, all the way to the UK's end users and see the real power evolve as users and developers strat to use that capability to it ful advantage, and as a side effect save vast amounts of bandwidth to boot.
why oh why dont the ISP's just use the current IPv4 multicasting abilty already installed but turned off, instead of hypeing on IPV6 with its compulsary multicasting requirement for the future.
the futures already here ,turn the thing on, wrap the BBC multicasting AVC/H.264 trial software in a nice new front end that uses any 3rd party player such as VLC, MPC, Mplayer, and other capable players than have an AVC codec.
or can run the commercial CoreAVC codec that Joost licenced from Core , put some form of personal ID downloader/viewer protection on there if they most and watch as any AMDxp2400+ or better PC today can then play it just fine
i repeate, force all UK ISP's to [b]turn on multicasting[/b], use the growing industry wide AVC/H.264 codec inside standard DVB-* (as found in BBC and sky and EU transmissions and STB's) and push it out to users that register an interest in the program over an P2P or simple web page interface, simple easy and already well tested in beta form, just use it people , youk now it makes sense....