back to article The geek gods have spoken - let the video games begin

Could skill gaming be the next big forum for online gambling? One of the hottest topics at the Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo (GIGSE) in Montreal this week was the economic potential of wagering on skill gaming. Software and gambling providers alike are looking for new sources of revenue after a year of heavy-handed …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Fight Night Round 3, Quake IV, World of Warcraft and Guitar Hero II"

    All those speedruns of Manic Miner's "Central Cavern", all those hours spent in front of MAME, honing my skills in Battlezone, they were wasted? I'll never have that time again.

  2. Jason Togneri

    Why not?

    It's already a big business in many places, and like many other non-physical 'sports' (chess, anyone?) it has its share of moneymaking possibilities. If, for example, it's an FPS, it requires reflexes and a good spatial awareness sense. If it's an RPG, like StarCraft, it requires logical and tactical skills. In fact, I can't see much difference from chess, there. If chess, why not gaming?

    Incidentally, when did your particular phrasing of "10s of thousands" sneak into the English language?

  3. Jim

    So when did any sport stop being a game of skill?

    Sport, when played fairly, is a game of skill but sports betting is illegal. I don't get what loop hole they are trying to exploit here.

    Also, it would be nice to see a glossary for this article for UK readers. "Sweepstakes" is still used in its orginal definition in the UK, ie everyone puts a stake (consideration) in the pot and the winner takes all (sweeps the stakes).

  4. Michael Sheils

    RE: Why not?

    "If it's an RPG, like StarCraft"

    Since when has StarCraft been an RPG, it's a RTS and a bloody good one at that.

  5. John Priestley

    Cash prizes

    Gaming competitions to win cash prizes has been around for years.

    Unreal Tournament is one of those games. I looked at it since UT2004.

  6. James

    Betting on sport is not a skill.

    I think Jim is a little confused here. Playing a sport is a game of skill, and therefore prizes are awarded for winning a game or league legally. Betting on it however is based more on chance than skill for the bettor, and therefotre illegal (in some places).

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Pha! They are not sports! Everyone knows that they are Games. Football is a Game. Chess Is a game. It is only a sport if it ends with the suffex "in" as in Huntin, Shootin and Fishin. Racin could also be calld a sport, but not Athletics. Another requierment is that Plus Fours can be worn without you looking silly.

  8. Jason Togneri

    Re: RE: Why not?

    "Since when has StarCraft been an RPG, it's a RTS and a bloody good one at that."

    RPG, RTS, I'm not so obsessive that I memorise all the bloody acronyms. Although it's a fun game, I'm replaying it right now...

  9. Disco-Legend-Zeke

    Look at Rodeos

    Skill. Prizes. Players pay to enter.

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