back to article Paris Hilton dereassigned back to jail

Paris Hilton has been sent packing back to jail to complete her stint in chokey for violating probation on a drink-drive rap. The heiress was not initially in Los Angeles County Superior Court this morning to face Judge Sauer, having apparently decided to "appear by phone". Sauer, who originally handed down the sentence and …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    American Justice

    I guess it works after all (and after all the snickering from you Brits...). If you don't get U.S. papers, know that pretty much everybody here was outraged. 23 days is a minimal sentence as it is for a rather serious repeat crime. It must be coming as quite a shock to discover that there are things you can't buy your way out of. Aristocrats suck whether they are american or english.

  2. Ian Ferguson


    My God, it's an American judge with a streak of sanity. Who whudda thought it?

  3. Haviland

    Oh dear.

    How sad.

    Never mind.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    thesaurus much?

  5. heystoopid

    Man what a ham!

    After watching the news , one thing for sure , she is one very pitiful actor and showed the world she was nothing but a mediocre spoiled little arrogant brat , whose mother was very over indulgent!

    What Talent indeed , what a ham?

    This begs the question , when is she to be sent off to rehab , to join her former party animal mate Nicole Ritchie?

    Welcome to the real world Paris , for the very first time in your life , and not your fictitious convoluted world as portrayed on your very questionable TV Series!

  6. Pete

    Its a funny story but

    Can we leave the entertainment news to the tabloid press and keep El Reg on topic with tech news please?

  7. Chris Harden

    GPS, innit


    She was fitted with GPS - thats tech related?

    Weak I know, but cmon, this is funny!

  8. Jonathan McCulloch

    It begs the question? I think not.

    heystoopid wrote:

    "This begs the question , when is she to be sent off to rehab,

    to join her former party animal mate Nicole Ritchie?"

    No, it doesn't beg the question at all. It merely *raises* it.

    When you "beg the question", you assume the answer, which then begs the question that would elicit that answer.



  9. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. Andy Bright

    What puzzles me..

    Is why people are acting as if this is the first time someone with lots of money has managed to get a few favours from the legal system.

    Whether you're British (as I am), American or whatever, our legal histories are filled with countless examples of the law being twisted and re-designed to fit the whims of the rich.

    This case wasn't even that bad when you consider people have quite literally gotten away with murder - serving not even a single day in a minimum security "Pay Prison" (a prison in which you live a comfortable life, complete with all manner of electronic gadgets, internet, games, whatever - the only catch is you have to pay something like $70 a day).

    Hilton, contrary to popular belief, was not offered this by the administration that runs the US prison system - which is quite surprising as most people with her wealth and celebrity status are.

    So while I feel not an ounce of pity for a spoiled brat that didn't have the sense to hire a driver while she was banned from driving (I mean it's not like the money is an issue is it?), I don't really get the outrage.

    Violent celebrities have committed far worse crimes (remember that fortunately no one was injured during her capers) and have managed to dodge prison altogether. Other have been caught and have been offered the Pay Prison alternative for their safety.

    So like I say it's all well and good that she's been returned to prison, after all she's hardly the first person to have a hard time coping with being locked up - they do have infirmaries and mental wards for such things within most prisons - but the outrage she managed to take advantage of the system seems a bit overblown.

  11. Hate2Register

    Eat me.

    Paris's descent into the real world. Where will it end? Perhaps a stint in the jacuzzi with Tommy Lee Jones. All she needs is a bit too much cosmetic surgery and she could be the next P. Anderson or A. N. Smith. And God knows we need one. The more "bad" Paris gets, the better I'll like her. On the other hand, perhaps I would be happier indulging in sour-grapes moralising.

  12. TBushmaker

    USA Justice for Citizens

    USA justice system works for USA citizens.

    Paris Hilton released and recaptured at home.

    An illegal alien would not have been at home, ankle bracelet or not.

  13. Dick

    She was never in "prison"

    quote: the US prison system :unquote

    Just to clarify, she was never in "prison". The federal government has a prison system. The state of California has an impressive prison system (google Pelican Bay, San Quentin, Corcoran, Chowchilla for the ladies). But the counties have jails, which are a much lower level of facility (although still not somewhere I would care to spend any time). She was (since she's probably out again by the time you read this) in a county jail facility.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Pronunciation: 'pri-z&n

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin prehension-, prehensio act of seizing, from prehendere to seize

    1 : a state of confinement or captivity

    2 : a place of confinement especially for lawbreakers; specifically : an institution (as one under state jurisdiction) for confinement of persons convicted of serious crimes -- compare JAIL

    I know that, as Americans, you are inclined to bastardize the English language to suit your moods when convenient, but even you can't argue with Webster's...

  15. Dennis Price


    "I'm wondering what the secret "medical problem" was...

    Posted Friday 8th June 2007 23:22 GMT

    "I need 24hr supervision from my Plastic surgeon or my nose will fall off!!!" "

    I'm afraid you're confusing Paris Hilton with Micheal Jackson...


    For the first time in my life I was cheering Al Sharpton on after he said he was on his way to California to protest (nobody wants an Outraged Al at their front door). However, it's not a color thing - even a redneck like myself would do his 45 days or whatever and what passes as the media would ever know or care about it.

    It tickled me that little Miss Paris was placed back in custody, although I might use her address for "home arrest" if the need ever becomes apparent.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    She wasn't allowed to wax or moisturise

    I thought that the US Constitution didn't allow cruel and unusual punishment.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Prison or Jail

    You may as well ask "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?". At the end of the day it doesn't matter. PH has a date with the stoney lonely.

  18. Andy Tunnah

    she was in serious danger and deserved to get out early, this is an outrage!

    if you ppl could stop slagging off this poor downtrodden girl for a few minutes and do some investigating, you will find out the medical reason for which she was released and maybe you would give a little consideration!

    'paris' friend said "its so cruel what has happened to her. she wasn't allowed to wax or use moisteriser..her skin is so dry right now!"


    you people make me SICK! now as punishment you must all go buy her CD and listen to it

  19. Dick

    So you'd like to go to prison?

    Did you read what you were posting?

    "a place of confinement especially for lawbreakers; specifically : an institution (as one under state jurisdiction) for confinement of persons convicted of serious crimes -- compare JAIL"

    and if you do look at Jail you'll see:

    1 : a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody; specifically : such a place under the jurisdiction of a local government (as a county) for the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes.

    She is/was in JAIL, but hey, if you think there's no difference, next time you get a traffic ticket feel free to say to the judge, "Jail? No thanks, I'll go to prison instead. It's the same - right?"

  20. This post has been deleted by its author

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Lachymwhat?

    If you think one needs a thesaurus to come up with the word "lachrymose", perhaps you should leave the comments to those with a vocabulary.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Andy, Hilton was offered pay prison but she declined

    "I did have a choice to go to a pay jail," Hilton said Sunday, without giving details. "But I declined because I feel like the media portrays me in a way that I'm not and that's why I wanted to go to county, to show that I can do it and I'm going to be treated like everyone else. I'm going to do the time, I'm going to do it the right way."

    I personally do not understand what the 'public outcry' is all about. Is it too many people want to see other more famous/wealthy people down?


  23. Warren

    Gaol: Pronounced Jay-ol



    1. A correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence).


    1. Lock up in jail.

    Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

    Date "gaol" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1380."

    Although I prefer Oxford, Webster's did just fine in providing the definition of the prior establishment to a prison. The old town Gaol.

    Again, two nations divided by a common language. Fun isn't it?

    UK dweller.

  24. Joe K

    As Nelson would say, "Hah hah!"

    Oh and "Can we leave the entertainment news to the tabloid press and keep El Reg on topic with tech news please?"

    Come on, we need SOME info about what goes on in the world of normals, at least so we can appear less obsessed with motherboards, java, and benchmarks :-D

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Here's an IT angle

    I was discussing recently the possibility of a computer system that would change the television channel whenever Paris Hilton was shown. What do people think, would there be a demand for such a system?

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    English evolves, idiot.

    I find Webster's first definition impossible to understand. Prison does not mean "a state of confinement", imprisonment does. Perhaps this is an old usage from old Noah's time that's been left in the number one spot. The second definition is exactly what Dick said it was. I suggest you "compare JAIL".

    As for your arrogant claim that Americans "bastardize the English language" I would, as a Brit, point out several things:

    - standard UK usage gives "bastardise" nowadays; the Brits bastardised the etymologically correct -ize into the French -ise in the last 50 years because they couldn't be bothered to learn (as Americans have to) which verbs require -ise (advise, for example);

    - similarly, most of what the Brits consider "bastardisation" by the Americans, is actually lack of the bastardisation that the Brits have applied, changing gotten to got, for example;

    - there have probably been just as many new words introduced into the language either side of the pond over the last three hundred years;

    - grammatically, the Americans speak a much purer version of English than Brits do - vis the use of the present subjunctive which has all but died out in the UK, together with the use of the genitive case before gerunds; but you're a Brit so have never heard of subjunctives, gerunds or genitive cases. A contrived example "US: I came thanks to John's requesting that I be here" cf. "UK: I came thanks to John requesting that I am here"

    - think yourself lucky that the Americans speak English, not French, German or Spanish, otherwise you'd have to get off your fat arse and learn another language to get around the world, like everyone else in the world does.

  27. Tim Roberts

    who cares?

    well ... who cares?

  28. Stuart Gray

    Bastardised English, anyone?

    Andy, if you are British, you would know that it is "literally got away with murder" - gotten is the American version of the verb form.

    And the British form of "bastardise" has an s, not a z


  29. Mark Allen

    Justice :)

    A positive legal story for once. Too many people see Drunk Driving as a game - when there are lives involved. Paris the spoilt brat needs to be taught laws are for the rich as well as the poor. The Judge should be put in charge of the whole US legal system for her descision of enforcing her ruling and ignoring the whing of the celebs and fans.

    I notice she has also had the sense to put the length of confinement back up to 40 days. :)

    And didn't I read somewhere that the cells Paris is in are built for two? Does that mean Sheriff Lee Baca will soon be joining Paris for a few days? It is that guy who is the real worrying part of the legal chain.... where did he think that "5 days" was enough for a DUI charge? Letting her out for "Medical Reasons" was a painful joke. Clearly that sherriff has lost touch with reality.

  30. Mark Allen

    Justice :)

    A positive legal story for once. Too many people see Drunk Driving as a game - when there are lives involved. Paris the spoilt brat needs to be taught laws are for the rich as well as the poor. The Judge should be put in charge of the whole US legal system for her decision of enforcing her ruling and ignoring the whining of the celebs and fans.

    I notice she has also had the sense to put the length of confinement back up to 40 days. :)

    And didn't I read somewhere that the cells Paris is in are built for two? Does that mean Sheriff Lee Baca will soon be joining Paris for a few days? It is that guy who is the real worrying part of the legal chain.... where did he think that "5 days" was enough for a DUI charge? Letting her out for "Medical Reasons" was a painful joke. Clearly that sheriff has lost touch with reality.

    (El'Reg proof readers..... please put up this copy with the sorrected spelling.... pushed the wrong button just now. LoL Thanks)

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    tough guys

    She wasn't led out screaming threats of retribution, proclaiming the power of her lawyer, or just (a la Blackadder's Queen Elizabeth) "do you know who I am".

    She was led away crying and asking for her mom. She's just a scared little girl in a world that has conditioned her to expect reward for breaking the rules.

    I wonder how many of the people who think 23 days is a breeze have done even a day behind bars, let alone a day as Paris Hilton. Think about that when you go to bed tonight, and say your prayers.

  32. kain preacher

    prison vrs jail

    she was in jail. Jail is run by the sheriff in each county. in California if your sentence to less than a year you go to county. More than that you go to state prison . Now LA county is an exception to the rule. you can serve up to five years in LA county jail.

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    She was allowed to "appear by phone"

    Just to make sure the facts are straight, Paris did not unalaterally 'decide to "appear by phone"' -- this is a legal option in California that her lawyers secured. If only for a few fleeting moments.

  34. Tom

    Channel switcher: Needed!

    Yes, we need the "Paris Hilton" switch off device. Given the coverage shown yesterday (almost "wall to wall") I suspect that if one had the device, the only thing to be seen would be the commercials (and an infrequent cut-in). The rest of the time the screen would be black!

    I am humored by the example shown on the Tonight show last night (late night talk show). They showed the "paris swarm" and cut away for 20 seconds or so for the joint chiefs changing story. What are todays priorities?

  35. James Penketh

    Seen a picture...

    of Paris being taken back to jail.

    Crying her eyes out, bottom lip stuck out.

    Now that was funny.

    Pompous, self-obsessed attention whore.

    When the polish rubs off, all you're left with is a whining, whinging spoilt three-year-old brat.

    Money doesn't mean you can get away with anything. They should learn that. And more judges should be fairer, and use more common sense.

    Who *really* gives a damn about these people, anyway?

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Little Miss Paris

    Seems she is the perfect target to blame all imperfections of the justice system on - rich, spoiled, not quite bright.

    And on the other hand people had less issues with a Mr. O. Simpson let go by a California court.

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: tough guys

    If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

    And yes I have spent 21 days in Pentonville for refusing to pay the poll tax.

    It was boring as hell.

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The therapy she really needed ... reality

    I'm a correctional psychiatrist who presently works in two U.S. jails (and yes they are run by counties or cities ... the prisons are run by state or federal governments.)

    My earnest hope is that Paris learns a teensy weensy bit of reality to counter the delusionally distorted culture of her Hollywood upper crust existence. She's being oh-so-gently nudged toward reality through a histrionically televised wall of toddler tantrum tears. We see the personality of a little girl whose maturation was frozen at preschool age by a cruel collusion of obseqious overindulgence. Should she ever arrive on the other side, she might become a human being of greater value than her present shell of a superficial, moneyed sexual caricature.

    No psychiatrist could ever provide Paris with the remedial therapy that is provided by this slight splash of "correctional" reality. Rather, her psychiatrists of choice would likely cozy up to her "spoiled rich girl" delusional world, affirming her soul sickness with prostitutional clucks of exculpatory sympathy and sweet prescriptive candy.

    How is this related to tech? Well, I guess we all know and expound upon this courtesy of some mess of electrons and light being shuffled around the globe, amplifying this sad absurdity en route.

  39. This post has been deleted by its author

  40. Herbys

    Days in jail

    > I wonder how many of the people who think 23 days is a breeze have done even a day behind bars, let alone a day as Paris Hilton.

    Now innocent people that never break the law are supposed to feel guilty?

  41. the Jim bloke

    PHs contribution to society

    If there wasnt some kind of demand, however artificially generated, there would not be the sheer amount of meaningless crap published about her. Same as the Royals, whichever family, or any other celebrity.

    Paris Hilton might be nothing more than the polystyrene beads in the empty box that is most peoples lives, but at least that helps them ignore the lack of actual content as they go through their day.

    Here in Oz we are having natural disasters killing people, cities being evacuated... and the "most-read-article on the NineMSN news site is about Paris crying...

  42. Reg Sim

    Now innocent people that break the law are supposed to feel guilty?

    Oops, ^ miss quote.

    I do go with the people who have so far said "Don't commit the crime if you can't do the time', I also find my self thinking:

    "Aww the poor we love, its the way she was brought up, she did'nt know any better!", and then I remember it is often people in her financial position that are all in favour of sending people who have been forced to steal to eat or feed there kids to jail (or prision).

    If were're going to send a junky to jail for stealing or driving a car, sombody who has not paid there tax's. How can sombody who drove puting peoples life in danger in full knolage of the facts, ie you were caught before, get any less.

    Incidently I dissagree with 'pay prision' on principle. If they are at risk they should not have to pay to be protected, as that would insinuate that if you did not have money but were at risk that nobody would give a crap.

    As to the diffrence in american definition of jail and prision, it means the same in the uk, so would you uk'ers (like me) stop forcing me to ready your prattle. Just for you have have abused the english in this post..... and I care not.

    On a side note, I belive that the focus on PH is really only a way the US legal system can regain the confidance of the wider public. I do not think its anymore than a high publicity one off. If you pardon the pun, its just that she was unlucky enough to be caught with her pants down at the time they were looking for a scape goat. Yes, I agree there is no flawless system in any country, just look at that git tony blair..... war mongering mass murdering redwine stain on the white silk sheets of humanity. (ok going off topic now, end).


  43. lglethal Silver badge

    A few extra facts

    She doesnt have to stay in prison for the full 45 days - the 23 still holds!

    On top of that the 3 days she served earlier counted as 5 (because she went in on the night before - though how that constitutes 2 days i don't know?) and the days she spent at home count as well. So she'll be out again in about 2 weeks.

    What a triumph of justice... *rolleyes*

  44. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Er, no.

    "She doesnt have to stay in prison for the full 45 days - the 23 still holds!"

    Er, no - it got increased to 45 again.

  45. Karl Lattimer

    This made my day

  46. Karl Lattimer

    RE: Gaol: Pronounced Jay-ol

    "Again, two nations divided by a common language"

    And a f*cking great ocean thank Christ!

  47. Jim

    Re: English evolves, idiot.

    "- grammatically, the Americans speak a much purer version of English than Brits do"

    Hmm, to my understanding the term English refers to the geographical region called England. Therefore, one could logically argue that if you are of English origin, ie born and raised in England, and received an English education, ie went to English speaking schools in England, then the language you speak is pure English (encompassing all local dialects).

    While it may be true that Americans speak a purer form of an older version of English, it has been pointed out that English is constantly evolving.

    The biggest bastardisation of English is the term "British (or UK) English".

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    RE: RE: Gaol: Pronounced Jay-ol

    Two nations divided by a common language - Gaelic, be it scots gaelic or Irish Gaeilge, since the word gaol is an old Irish word still in use, it's reasonable to assume it probably traces back in scotland too?

    When the Anglo Saxons invaded and stole land, they ended up stealing a lot of the indigenous language too. Oddly, brits tend not to credit Irish or Scoittish language sources, although they will reluctantly credit the germanic root of the language (see middle english, which is basically old german), or the effect of the repeated french invasions in adding new letter sto English during times of French rule.

    Some examples: galore from ge leor to suffiency

    car from carr, originally a cart

    and obviously gaol, pronounced somewhere between jail and jay-ol. The spelling was changed in the staes to fit in with thhe english, hence jail.


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