You can stick your cocks up your arses
I'm sick of movements like this. I'm really fed up of organisations forcing people to live based on *their* view of life. Religion, health organisations and animal groups fall into this grouping. Look at PETA (an org that actually kills a lot of animals) - do as we say and live as we want you to live or we'll firebomb you, and we'll get a load of dumb-ass students to fire bomb you too.
There was a programme aired on C4 a while back about global warming. I think it was called 'The great global warming scam' or something like that. It was a great documentary where a lot of top scientists were expressing concern that their viewpoints - that global warming has nothing to do with CO2 emissions - are being ignored by governments. In some cases these scientists have been refused funding and have been threatened by these 'Green', flowerpower nutjobs.
If I have a cock, and I wish to watch it strike against another mans cock until bloodshed then I agree that's a bit wrong. For the record I also don't fancy fox hunting much - a pack of dogs savages a fox (nip to any town centre on a sat night and you can see this for real).
I want to know why all these debates are closed? Why is the (UK) government forcing *their* opinions onto us. They are out of touch within their little job-security, rape-the-tax-payer bubble. Why is the government forcing all these new CO2 taxes/schemes upon us when the global warming link to CO2 *has not been proven*. In fact the opposite has been proven.
People should be free and organisations should stop 'demanding' that people live under their control. Fair enough, if you have a problem with a lifestyle then say so, but it's wrong to forcibly revoke someones cock. If they want to buy a magazine about cocks then they'll find a way to do so.
Personally I prefer fanny.