Before you start bitching about Vista and IE7 go count the security patches released for Firefox, OS X as Linux in the last few months.
blah blah blah blah blah...
To be honest I used to be quite vehementy anti-MS... before XP anyway. I hated the obscenely bloated software (I want a spreadsheet program to do spreadsheets not launch some pointless game thing when a certain combination of keys is pressed), I hated the easy-to-use but totally flawed "security model", the BSODs, the "overly helpful" software (don't bloody auto-correct that, it was deliberate), the way the company behaved and so on...
However, they are getting better (in some aspects at least) - the security model has been improving since NT4/Win2k and with XP it is possible (for the most part) to run the OS in limited privileges mode and those apps that seem to require admin privileges just to run, seem to be third party. OK it could be argued that it was MS that brought us to the point where everyone runs everything in admin mode all the time - but they do seem to have been taking steps to try and bring their own house in order.
I still think having a web browser hooked into the OS is a bad idea, and then giving it extra power (for good or ill) through ActiveX just compounds the issue. The software is still bloated (my Windows partition is 10gigs) but it does seem to run better, compare Win98 boot times to XP, and is considerably more reliable - I get very few machine hangs these days and about the only times I've had to do a hardware reset have been caused by me running beta software or playing games (and it's only _very_ rarely now).
I still wouldn't use Windows to run a web server (FreeBSD is far better at handling multiple connections) but for a personal/business desktop OS, Windows is pretty good - it can even be reasonably securely configured - more so with Vista I gather (although I'm still an XP Pro user).