back to article Apple to use Sun's ZFS in Leopard

Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz may have let the cat out of the bag on Apple's plans for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard's file system. While showing off the Zettabyte File System in Sun's 'Thumper' hybrid storage/server platform at a company event in Washington today, Schwartz let it drop that Apple too has big plans for the open source file …


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  1. Webster Phreaky

    Anything is Better than the POS Apple File System!!

    Look for a File - Spotlight locks up

    Look for a File - Spinning Beach Ball of wait n wait n wait n wait .....

    Look for a File - Finder CRASHES REPEATEDLY!

    Look for a File - In Windows, NO PROBLEM.

  2. Ian

    ZFS has been rumoured for sometime now.

    This has been a rumour for a while now :)

    link points to a graphic showing ZFS as an option.

  3. Nexox Enigma


    Man its time for HFS+ to die out. What'd that debut in, OS 8.5? It has to be the only popularish filesystem that makes NTFS look good. I just hope Sun made some decent money in the deal...

    Then again, is there a case-insensitive version of ZFS? I know that if you run OS X with a case-sensitive file system lots of fun issues come up. (Dreamweaver, the horrible program that it is, attempts to access its own scripts with multiple different cases, so it just totally breaks.)

    I do wonder how Apple will attempt to impliment all the complex features of ZFS in a nice, friendly GUI. They'll probably just not let you get at all the fun bits... typical.

  4. Tim Pope

    Old news

    I thought this was already a definate - i could have sworn it was explained that ZFS is the underlying tech behind time machine when it was first demo'd.

    also Webster - I bet you are a typical Mac user that just doesn't maintain his system - when is the last time you ran a permissions and disk verify/repair - go into applications-utilities-disk utility and give them a click - it'll probably help

  5. Charles Teton

    Try running Disk Utility app...

    Looks like you have a problem with you HD or file system, try running Apple's Disk Utility.

    > Look for a File - Spotlight locks up

    > Look for a File - Spinning Beach Ball of wait n wait n wait n wait .....

    > Look for a File - Finder CRASHES REPEATEDLY!

    > Look for a File - In Windows, NO PROBLEM.

  6. Register Reader

    Look for a file

    "Look for a File - Spotlight locks up

    Look for a File - Spinning Beach Ball of wait n wait n wait n wait .....

    Look for a File - Finder CRASHES REPEATEDLY!"

    Funny how that's never happened to me, eh. Sensational, almost. Doesn't sound like it's the file system at fault anyway, more your install of Spotlight?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Look for a File - In Windows, NO PROBLEM." long as it's not Vista or XP.

  8. elder norm

    apple pos??

    To the Apple hater / ms shill.

    Hey, I use a pc at work and a Mac at home (cause I do not get free IT at home :-) ) and I just replaced the Microsoft search function with Google desktop cause the MS junk is a total pain to use.

    Learned from hard and painfull experience . . . . :-)


  9. Rob

    re: Anything is Better than the POS Apple File System!!

    Webster -

    EVERY time I get a complaint from a Windows-orientated developer about their Mac dev machine playing up, I walk over to find that their Mac is in a total mess. It's because whilst they are competent Windows users, their experience using a Mac is lacking.

    Slag off XCode, Finder etc. on face value sure, but leave Windows vs Mac comparisons out of it please.

    There's no need for any more holy wars.

  10. Thommy Malmström

    Not loved by all

    The subheader "A file system loved by all" I think is not that adequate. The Linux community has raised all kind of restrictions and blames on ZFS. Most of the objections has a "Not invented here" smell...

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Look for a file

    Sorry, but Webster Phreaky is a windows fan boy he pops up to slag off Macs or Linux every so often. Just to let you know

  12. Frank Bough

    Webster Phreaky Indeed

    Have you actually used a Mac? Your comment just makes absolutley no sense.

  13. Clay Garland

    I think. . .

    I think he may be simple using the few mac terms that he knows, along with some derrogatory language. Good times.

  14. Jim


    Freaky - Never happened to me, had other issues but not that one. Had many problems with Windows and Linux too, fancy that...

    Nexox Enigma - Attacking the OS cos a 3rd party app is poorly written? Naughty. FYI I haven't found an Adobe app that will actually function on a case-sensitve file system, I really couldn't believe that a major software house would employ such lazy programming.

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