Paedophilia and Fictional Writings and the Reality
Right, lets start this off saying I dont agree with molesting children, and if the site had any kind of information or pictures or anything like that it should be closed down, and the people involved in the display of the content that is illegal arrested.
But having peadophillic thoughts about liking children is something you can control its just the way you feel, you have to supress those sexual urges, in just the same way someone walking down the street has to supress the urges to jump on an attractive member of the opposite sex walking down the street, and the people who do supress these urges must be given every single bit of enouragement they can have, because the more help they get, the much less likly they are to do anything illegal to a child. So give them this forum, let them discuss there feelings and how each one has learned to control, but have strict moderation on the site so that anything "illegal" in any terms is posted then it is stopped. Forced marriages happen all around the world where people that are 14 - 15 are being married off to people who can range upto 30 or more, wheres the public outcry wheres the inquires to this, they arnt anywhere because they are excepted by the public of the regions these marrigaes happen. I do not agree with peadophillia in anyway but this kind of contradiction strikes me as shocking.
Someone in an earlier post said about peadophilia accepted in ficitional writings, this is true I have recently read a book where a marriage was described both being of people under legal age (woman about 16 man into 30s), so the act would be of peadophilia also of a man "admiring" a woman who was no more than 14, which is also technicaly peadophillia. There was no restricitions on this book, no public outcry no people saying its wrong it was just accepted, does this now mean that each medium is allowed different things and judgements?
Finaly on the case of the 14 year old and the 18year old, ok 14 is a bit young but its only a 4 year age gap, isnt the marriges between people with 30 year age gaps (50 year old marrying 20 year old) not the same or worse, i know the other person in question isnt technically a child, but they are young enough to be the child of the other partner, and these people are still allowed to make websites about there life and talk to there friends.
I say if these people want to conduct reasonable conversations and it helps them bring a greater understanding of themselves fine, as long as they dont do anything illegal or implement it thats fine, but shouldnt that rule apply to everything not just this website?