back to article Raytheon inventions are programs and not patentable

The High Court has backed the Comptroller General of Patents in refusing a company a patent for inventions which were computer programs. The ruling in the appeal followed the lead of a recent landmark case. US defence giant Raytheon wanted to patent an inventory management system which used images as well as text to help …


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  1. amanfromMars

    The Worm the Sun? :-)


  2. Ian Michael Gumby

    Its about time...

    On the surface, its a bogus patent.

    There already exists such systems or systems that are similar enough to show prior art.

  3. Nick Galloway


    If a program can't be patented then why not go the copyright route?

    Surely programming could be considered a very obscure form of literature?

  4. Dillon Pyron


    All you can do is copyright the source code. While they might be able to defend against minor changes, a major re-write would be indefensable. The interface (look and feel) might or might not be protected. I forget how that famous case finally ended.

  5. wilfred

    Next Up, DMCA and IP Law Eradication:

    Next Up, DMCA and IP Law Eradication:

    As thought and ability to count on one's fingures is now determined intrinsic to nature and cleared from intl patent problems, not only do 90% of technical patents need to be reviewed and likely thrown out, but also a review of the Congressional Exceptions for obsoleted and unsupported systems and IP law invalidity (see DMCA "you can't look at that") need throw them out as well.

    Soon, thus, ICC and various legitimate governments can review the Crimes Against Humanity derived and sponsored by the patant holders of water filtration systems, amongst others.

    DieBold and take them all down on the way, children!


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