I'm not sure where to stand on this subject.
I feel very happy that he was caught and that little or no harm was done, but I really don't like the way 'mom' handled it. Perhaps if she (and the father, if any) would actually spend some time with the son and teach him how to use the web safely, it could be avoided without killing off his privacy.
From a previous el reg article:
"Garlik's top tips for parents
*Keep internet-connected computers in a central and open location, particularly for younger children.
*Sit down and talk to your children about their online activity. You should know everyone on your children's contact list.
*For younger kids, make sure you know all their passwords. *Don't intrude, but let them know that you know, just in case.
*Tell your children not to provide personal details online. No full names, addresses, or telephone numbers.
*Devise a code of conduct - list of internet rules - that you and your children agree to sign up to."
Sounds a lot more reasonable than planting spyware on the plods computer.