club card tactics
who cares, frankly, everything we do these days is recorded and archived in one form or another, just look at club cards
get over the fact data is kept, instead wonder if the data is valid
currently Tesco's must think im an alcoholic vegetarian with a taste for steak.....
truth is that im a tee total omivore......
the point is data will be retained, especially if it will help them make more money, but as i let anyone who asks use my club card, i can be pretty sure that the data gathered about "me" is not reflective
if it bothers you that much, how about you stay offline?, i mean id be very surprised if el reg didn't gather details about frequency/times of day/story category that comments are posted etc
or you could just write an extension for Firefox which will do 10 fake searches on Google using a random word from a dictionary for every genuine search you perform
cry and bitch about ideals or do something about the reality
to paraphrase my grand father :
"wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which comes true first"