Time to Grow Up, Children ........ 42 Serve your Countries
Hmmm. A lot of Hardware red herrings hiding the Simple Truth that the Software being used is no more advanced than whenever IT promoted the Cold War.
And all IT needs is a few lines of sticky code/Zero Day Words to render the Hardware redundant/Museum pieces.
Star Wars/Son of Star Wars? Oh please, do us all a favour. If you don't Control Virtual Space with Truths, you don't and cannot Control anything for what other would you think to be playing with, other than Chaos.
Aint nobody learning nowt, nowadays? Hearts and Minds is [for Pentagon idiots] the NeuReal BattleZone and that is an Intellectual Property Space already long occupied by those who Dare 42 WinWin.
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And now y'all know who's at ITs Work.