Simple rules
Life has a few simple rules you have to follow if you don't want to be taken advantage of. You know the ones: don't drink from opened bottles, don't pull out your wallet while talking to someone you don't know on the street, etc.
Like life, there are a few simple rules to having a secure Windows box:
1) Don't run Internet Explorer.
2) Don't run Outlook.
3) Always keep Windows up to date.
4) Don't run stuff you don't trust.
I'm sure you *NIX savvy folks could come up with a list of dos and don'ts, too.
But as for MacOS, can you name anything that a common user (barely able to send an email) could have done to negate the threats described in this article? Security through obscurity only works as long as MacOS itself is obscure. Just be glad that these holes were found by someone with morals.
Honestly, if you think Windows users are ignorant and susceptible, just you see what will happen to Grandma when that "Apple computer credit card confirmation request" window pops up while she's watching a short video of her grandkids on her brand new "friendly and secure" iMac. At least with a "notoriously insecure" PC she might have called up a more knowledgable family member before completely filling out the form...