War on Terror ?
The entire idea of control orders makes a mockery of habeus corpus, a concept that dates back to Magna Carta. Control Orders are essentially house arrest or even internal exile, and as such would be more familiar to ex-pat burmese, russian, chinese, or israeli detainees than is frankly confortable.
Put yourself in the position of a regular joe picked up in a trawl, you have no idea who is accusing you, what you are being accused of, no idea of whether any evidence has been produced, and certainly have no opportunity to refute any such evidence. If you aren't marginalised and radicalised by this point, then by the time you have been on your control order for a year or two, I suspect there's every chance that the balance of your mind is hardly going to be as it was before events unfolded.
Open ended sentencing, house arrest, restrictions on whom you may talk to, suspension of habeus corpus........ I thought the war against terror (sic, sic, sic baby.... the folks facing the most terror are the poor buggers on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq, both foreign troops and local population) was about bringing values of freedom and democracy. Not suspending the freedom of our own populace.
The craven hypocrisy of UK politicians knows no bounds. I'm not going to give my opinion of what I think about the rising price of, and the intrusive nature of UK ID policy, whilst our politicians exempt themselves from transparency by voting themselves outside of the FOI act, as the reg is a family friendly (mostly) publication, and I'd have to use words like "wankers".