Is it MySpaces problem alone?
Is it MySpaces problem alone? Or is it just copping the blame because there are far too many parent's who's parenting skills are so pathetic that they should have been neutered at birth.
Parents are meant to LOOK OUT FOR their children, not just to abandon them to whatever they want to do. Parents should be aware of what their children are doing online and what it is possible for them to do online. Just throwing a computer into a child's room and assuming that everything is "OK" because the child doesn't disturb their lardy arses while watching cheap TV soaps is not parenting, it's hiding from responsibilities, pure and simple.
Yes, children will do their level best to get into trouble, most of us did this as children as well. We also found ways to do the things that our parents told us not to do, but we were looked after and our parents tried to stop us getting into too much trouble.
Consider this - how many parents would just let their children play in a busy road? Is ensuring that they responsibly use the Internet any different? If you, as a parent, don't understand the Internet, then yes, it can be difficult and daunting due to the pace of change and the way technology like the Internet has rapidly come about, but it's your responsibility as a parent to do something about it. It's NOT the state's responsibility, it's NOT the child's school's responsibility, it's YOUR responsibility.
While I can very readily sympathise with parent's who's children have been "groomed" on the Internet and society in general's desire to ensure that they cannot prey on children again, it's time to take responsibility. There MUST NOT be this state of fear where everyone's a suspect until they've been convicted of something - or have enough money to buy the best lawyers - it's just a road to ruin, fear, bigotry and misery.
MySpace claim that they are trying to clean up the problems that they admit they have had, but it's not their fault by a long way. How exactly are they to police however many millions of posts, blogs, pictures and videos that are uploaded? All they can realistically do is to react when something "bad" has happened, clean it up and wait for the next "bad" thing to happen. If parents didn't let their 12 year old children post pictures of themselves up in a public place, along with enough personal information to track them down to where they live there wouldn't be this problem.