back to article MS names Halo 3 day

Halo 3 will go on sale in the US on 25 September, Microsoft proclaimed last night, two months ahead of the US holiday buying season, when it hopes to sell a lot more Xbox 360 consoles on the back of the game. European buyers will have to wait 24 hours for the game - it'll hit these shore on 26 September. Tasters are already …


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  1. Ash

    US Prices...

    Will $ = £ on this title too?

    I sure as hell won't buy a 360 regardless, but it wouldn't surprise me.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In a few hours?

    Unless you have your invite via crackdown, right?

  3. Mark Gillespie

    Yawn factor 9

    From what I have seen, it's an incremental update to Halo 2, and I've frankly seen it all done before..

    I won't be staying out to buy this. Then again, I wouldn't touch a Xbox360 with a barge pole either...

  4. Luca

    Halo 2 and 3

    Regardless of people with preconceived notions like Mark Gillespie, I

    ll probably end up buying a 360 because of Halo3.

    Meanwhile my major disappointment goes to Halo2 PC, which only runs on Vista and I'm not installing Vista on any of my computers. Their loss.

  5. Matthew Sinclair

    Ah yes.... the ain't it?

    Ah yes.... Halo 3..... halo... the series.... truely a great game....but once it passes... it will be like a sunset.... no more catchy titles.... why bother with the xbox at that point?

    Oh wait.. did I just say that outloud? Seriously... the last comment by Luca sums it up... I hear that statement all over the place... the only reason anyone will buy an Xbox is for Halo. M$ better find a solution to that problem.. or they will get stomped by someone else... if not already. I'm not sure if I want to spend the few hundred for one single game.... I'll hold out for a PC version.... : O P

  6. Rob

    Mad for it

    I think having played Marathon, Marathon 2, Halo and Halo2, plus read all four novels, I've clearly lost my mind.

    Evidence: As with the original Marathon series, I played through Halo on a Mac, and then again on an intel-Mac when the port was released.

    Evidence: When I realized that Halo2 would be Vista-only, I bought a final generation factory-sealed xbox from eBay and played it on that instead.

    Evidence: I've already started planning where to put the replica Spartan-II helmet in the lounge.

    I'm normally very rational about such obvious hype. What's going on?!

    Please help.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Beta Extended

    Turns out my crackdown comment was a little harsh.

    As a "sorry" they have extended the trial by 4 days.

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