...wouldn't this be a cunning stunt of a transvestite tribute act had chosen exactly this stage name.
We're obliged today to the concerned Reg readers* who alerted us to the latest example of why licence-fee-driven TV is nothing more than a vehicle to punt pornography to impressionable minds who might otherwise be out riding their bikes and playing conkers: Kylie Minogue renamed Kylie Minge on BBC website For the record, …
There is actually a beer called "ginger minge" (the beermats and labels are considered highly collectable). But language changes. In Edwardian polite society, a certain word beginning with c was acceptable language, whereas "hell", "damn" and "blast" were considered rude. Nowadays, those three don't even warrant PG, but c--- contributes almost as much to a restrictive cinema certificate as a view of a minge. Which, er, is what it describes. If, as Doyle Lonnergan asked, y'foller?