back to article New, New Labour gets new logo and website

Anyone wondering why it took Tony Blair so long to fall on his sword has the answer this morning. He was waiting for Gordon's marketing boutique to okay the shiny new logo. Visitors to the Labour Party website this morning will see a purple rose and Labour logo. New Labour it seems is New no longer. The red has gone and so has …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Purple ... coincidence?

    "Visitors to the Labour Party website this morning will see a purple rose"

    .... and what colour do you get if you mix red and blue?

    I can smell the joss-sticks and hear the whale-song from here

  2. Declan

    Home still red

    Interesting, that was a very quick change over. If you click on the home link it brings you to the "main" page which is in red, but the default page is the leadership one which is purple.

  3. Nik Peltekakis


    I do not want to see Gordon Brown as Prime Minister.

    Why?, because he doesnt look like someone who should be running the country. He worries me!

    Who else agrees??

  4. Paul Crawford Silver badge

    How Accurate

    Interesting that "this morning will see a purple rose" since purple = red+blue light. Seems New Labour has finally admitted to being a mix with Old Conservative.

  5. Rob

    New Truth

    So "New Labour" becomes "Labour", whilst what some of us remember as "Labour" will no doubt be referred to as "Old Labour" before too long. - Or maybe not at all. Politics does breed short memories, after all.

    Intriguing that the new party colour also indicates the party's stance: somewhere between red(left) and blue(right).

    Perhaps the Tory camp can follow suit by deriving a new party colour that infers left + environmental issues? Turquoise perhaps?

    [Before people write in and start telling me about how the primary colours work, I'd like to point out that I'm referring to the subtractive spectrum ala mixing paint, or else the joke wouldn't work.]

  6. Mark Grady

    It's almost like they knew it would happen ...

    It's a bit rude to change the site design before he's moved on, isn't it? Let the man spend his last 6 weeks in the job still under the delusion he's in charge and in control.

  7. Andy Parker

    Red or Blue

    Just a thought, isn't purple halfway between red and blue!!!

  8. Dave

    Purple is sort of appropriate

    Given how far they've moved from the Left to Right in politics, it's fitting that their new colour is a mix of good old socialist red and capitalist blue.

  9. Ben Boyle


    So they've finally admitted it and combined Labour red with Conservative blue, eh?

    They've been stealing policies for years so they might as well have some of the colour too.

  10. Tim Wesson


    Purple for Labour, then (and for the Cameron). But a complete absence of yellow.

    The message is obvious, if their policies aren't enough to persuade you:

    Labour and Conservative alike are moving to a new /illiberal/ stance on everything. New slogan: tough on everything. Tough in the head!

  11. Nigel Rook

    More colour play...

    Interesting to see that everyone's made the purple = red + blue link. But just think, if my memory of primary school serves me correctly, tossing a little Liberal Democrat yellow into the mix gives... brown. An omen?

  12. Brutus

    you've all missed the trick...

    And it's a good one: everybody's noting the red/blue thing, but no-one has yet realised that purple is the colour of the Imperium.

    Long Live Emperor Brown!

  13. Christian Mccormack

    The colour of change.....

    I just love the fact that the new, New Labour (as opposed to the old

    New Labour) website colour scheme is pimarily purple; a fetching mix of red and blue. Not exactly portentious of a move to Socialist values and principles is it?

    It is ironic also that purple is the most obvious colour on David Cameron's website too ("Webcameron" must have taken his PR department literally minutes trawling the remaining few domains on the 'tinterweb to get that gem), while the Conservative Party Website is now a foxy mix of Blue and Green (see what they did there?)

    Don't these people know how this works?

    Red on the Left, Blue on the Right and liberal democracy is a sort of orangey, yellowy, "I don't really know what I am" kind of 'Werthers Original' colour.

    Purple is the sort of middle of the road colour that suggests no

    particular ideology beyond maintaining the capitalists status

    quo..............oooohhhhhhhhh right, gotcha........


  14. Gilbert Wham

    Shifty Looking Bugger

    @Nik Peltekakis:

    "he doesnt look like someone who should be running the country."

    As I have oft opined before, NO-ONE who looks like they want to be running the country should be allowed anywhere near the post. Pick someone at random, and genly explain to them that they will be dealt with severely if they cock it up.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Slashdot Mk 2

    Doesn't anyone ever read the comments before posting? Eight commenters all thinking they're so smart for noticing that red+blue = purple. It's the cream of the internet here and no mistake.

    At least on Slashdot you can change your browsing level.....

  16. Rob

    [addendum] New Truth

    Blow... not only did I mess up my Tory-turquoise quip, but the buggers have beaten me to it!

    Should I take it that, being the politics-canary that I am, that it's time to back away to a safe distance?

  17. Stephen Connell

    All together now

    I am reminded of the old song about Labour

    "The people's flag is deepest pink

    Its not as red as you might think..."

  18. Matt Kemp

    While everyone else notices connections between red and blue..

    ...all I can see is John Prescott with either extreme constipation, or trouble holding in a laugh.

  19. Dave

    Top quality web devs

    The new-look webcameron has a forum.

    The developers took care to protect this high profile site from possible SQL injection attacks by stripping the words 'select' and 'from' from every post. It has the unfortunate side effect of making some sentences meaningless, but hey, omettes and that.

  20. Tom

    RE: Top quality web devs

    Funny, DROP seems to work fine ;)

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Some things remain the same

    They may have changed the colour to a more honest purple but they kept the rose.

    Like all roses the labour party continues to look good on top but look closer and underneath its full of pr!cks.

  22. andy

    all pricks

    "Like all roses the labour party continues to look good on top but look closer and underneath its full of pr!cks."

    Nah, the Labour party has pricks at the top as well...

  23. Andy Bright

    Red on the left.. blue on the right

    Except in the US where for some inexplicable reason they do the exact opposite. Who would have thought a party that makes Maggie look like a whiny liberal would want to be associated with Red.

  24. Simon Harris

    Purple again...

    Of course, if one looks at the visible light spectum, one will find that purple is about as far away from red (further even than blue) that you can get before running out of colours.

    Perhaps the message is 'We're the new Tories, but even more extreme!'

  25. Marc

    Purple was the colour of their 2005 election campain too

    So no big deal.

  26. Kevin

    Colour Purple

    Maybe they should leave it red and change the rose for a pair of hands with Bush & Iraq tattooed on the fingers....

  27. David Urmston

    Horse shit

    Roses always thrive best when fed copious amounts of horse shit on their roots. Their colour is also influenced by their intake of nutrients and grafting on other stock.

    And shares presumabley !

    Don't get upset, it isn't only the techies over here that've had their heads in the IT bucket, my kids have two mobile phones each and numerous on-line avatars that keep them mentally challenged on a daily basis.

    Now that we've got Terminator kill-bots to be run by an excellent example of a successful Private Finance Initiative (PFI) system called 'Skynet' which is being deployed in "South West Asia" (wherever that is ? wasn't it the Middle East last week ?), and our sixth sense has been replaced by Balance (latest GCSE Science), does it matter who is nominally the head of a provincial European government ?

    Just make sure you buy the right stocks, eh ! Anyone want to buy some yellow ?

  28. David Urmston

    Horse shit

    Roses always thrive best when fed copious amounts of horse shit on their roots. Their colour is also influenced by their intake of nutrients and grafting on other stock.

    And shares presumabley !

    Don't get upset, it isn't only the techies over here that've had their heads in the IT bucket, my kids have two mobile phones each and numerous on-line avatars that keep them mentally challenged on a daily basis.

    Now that we've got Terminator kill-bots to be run by an excellent example of a successful Private Finance Initiative (PFI) system called 'Skynet' which is being deployed in "South West Asia" (wherever that is ? wasn't it the Middle East last week ?), and our sixth sense has been replaced by Balance (latest GCSE Science), does it matter who is nominally the head of a provincial European government ?

    Just make sure you buy the right stocks, eh ! Anyone want to buy some yellow ?

  29. call me scruffy


    Oh come on...

    "New Labour" has been further to the right than the tories, as such Red has no place in their colour scheme. But since ultra-viiolet is beyond the range of most monitors purple will have to do.

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